Below is the example of using the SetScheduler operation to change task parameters. The request contains moniker of scheduled tasks container and a pattern indicating whether tasks properties must be changed. A task with a new execution period is also sent.
{ "SetScheduler" : { "tScheduler" : { "id" : "S1!M!6445" }, "tArg" : { "pattern" : { "obInst" : "true", "tasks" : "Change", "task" : { "properties" : "true" } }, "meta" : { "tasks" : { "its" : { "it" : [ { "k" : "6449", "id" : "RUN_MODULE", "type" : "Unknown", "properties" : { "period" : { "type" : "Daily", "startDateTime" : "2000-01-01T00:00:00", "stopDateTime" : "2010-01-01T00:00:00" }, "active" : "false" } } ] } } } } } }
{ "SetSchedulerResult" : { "id" : { "id" : "S1!M!6445" } } }
The specified ChangeTastProperty function changes task properties. The container instance moniker and updated task properties are sent as input parameters. The function body contains the pattern indicating whether task must be changed. The function results in the operation execution result.
public static SetSchedulerResult ChangeTaskProperty(SchedulerId moniker, SchedulerTask task)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
//Operation execution parameters
var tSet = new SetScheduler()
tScheduler = moniker,
tArg = new SetSchedulerArg()
//Pattern that indicates whether tasks should be changed
pattern = new SchedulerMdPattern
tasks = ListOperation.Change,
task = new SchedulerTaskPattern()
properties = true
meta = new SchedulerMd()
tasks = new SchedulerTasks()
its = new SchedulerTask[]
new SchedulerTask()
id =,
k = task.k,
//Updated task properties
properties = new SchedulerTaskProperties()
active = false,
period = new SchedulerTaskPeriod()
type = SchedulerTaskPeriodType.Daily,
startDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01.01.2000"),
stopDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01.01.2010")
//Start task scheduler
var tResult = somClient.SetScheduler(tSet);
return tResult;
See also: