

OpenCustomObResult OpenCustomOb(OdId tOb, OpenCustomObArg tArg)


tOb. Opened object moniker.

tArg. Object opening parameters.


The OpenCustomOb operation opens custom class container or custom class object.


To execute the operation, in the tOb field specify opened object moniker. The object moniker can be obtained on executing the GetObjects operation. If the repository root node moniker is specified (moniker of object with the 0 key), the operation is executed to open custom class container. If the moniker is specified for the repository object, that is a custom class object, the operation is executed to open this object. On working with custom class container, define the tArg.openAsDescriptor field. If some metadata should also be obtained during the opening, define the tArg.metaGet field.

The operation results in the specified opened object instance moniker and obtained metadata if the tArg.metaGet field was defined.

Use the GetCustomOb and SetCustomOb operations for further work. To close the opened object instance, use the CloseCustomOb operation.


Example name
Opening Custom Class Object

See also:

Common Operations