GetPrxMdResult GetPrxMd(PrxId tPrx, GetPrxMdArg tArg)
tPrx. Opened regular report instance moniker.
tArg. Parameters for getting regular report metadata.
The GetPrxMd operation gets regular report metadata.
This operation enables the user to get the following information:
Information about report sheets.
Information about report data sources.
Information about various data areas.
Parameters of report controls.
Report exported to the specified format.
The operation can also be used to check cell binding to data areas.
To execute the operation, in the tPrx parameter determine the regular report instance moniker, and in the tArg parameter determine the parameters, according to which the information is obtained. The moniker can be obtained on executing the OpenPrx operation. The tArg.pattern field must contain a pattern for getting information about various regular report elements. The operation results in the requested metadata. The following operations can be used to get additional information about sheet tables and about the objects that may be created on these sheets: GetTabSheetData, GetChart and GetMap.
Various methods of using this operation are given in the following examples:
Example name |
Getting information about regular report sheets |
See also: