Below is the example of using the SetMs operation to edit equation parameters. The request contains an instance of opened modeling container, parameters of operation execution, equation settings for theMissing Data Substitution method, and the pattern for getting changed data. After execution the operation returns the model that contains the changed equation.
{ "SetMs" : { "tMs" : { "id" : "IJPOPNPKEFNBFOAEHGALDHACAFNECPBECKCAONAHDFAAJCIH!M!S!CLBFKJOPKEFNBFOAEBGMCEJOOEPAEHFAEDKJLHOGDAEPJDEDE" }, "tArg" : { "pattern" : { "obInst" : "true", "item" : { "key" : "89669", "problem" : { "metamodel" : { "calculationChain" : "Change" } } } }, "meta" : { "item" : { "k" : "89669", "type" : "Problem", "problemMd" : { "metamodel" : { "calculationChain" : { "its" : { "Item" : { "k" : "5", "type" : "Model", "model" : { "transform" : { "formulas" : { "its" : { "it" : [ { "k" : "0", "kind" : "FillGaps", "method" : { "fillGaps" : { "missingData" : { "method" : "NPointsAverage", "methodParameter" : "6" } } } } ] } } } } } } } } } } }, "metaGet" : { "obInst" : "true", "scenarios" : "Get", "period" : "true", "item" : { "key" : "89669", "problem" : { "metamodel" : { "calculationChain" : "Get", "calcChainPattern" : { "modelPattern" : { "transform" : { "formulaCount" : "true", "formulas" : { "method" : "" }, "equationsFormula" : { "method" : "" }, "kind" : "true" } } }, "visualControllerPattern" : { "variableRubricatorKey" : "true", "useSourceName" : "false", "freeVariables" : "true", "levelFormat" : "Short" } }, "scenarios" : "Get", "details" : "true", "useSavedCoefficients" : "true" } } } } } }
{ "SetMsResult" : { "id" : { "id" : "IJPOPNPKEFNBFOAEHGALDHACAFNECPBECKCAONAHDFAAJCIH!M!S!CLBFKJOPKEFNBFOAEBGMCEJOOEPAEHFAEDKJLHOGDAEPJDEDE" }, "meta" : { "obInst" : { "obDesc" : { "@fullUrl" : "http:\/\/\/", "@isShortcut" : "0", "@isLink" : "0", "@ver" : "4", "@hf" : "0", "i" : "MODELSPACE", "n" : "Modeling container", "k" : "1581", "c" : "5121", "p" : "1580", "h" : "0", "hasPrv" : "0", "ic" : "0", "isPermanent" : "1", "isTemp" : "0" } }, "dirty" : "0", "period" : { "start" : "1970-01-01", "end" : "2020-12-31" }, "scenarios" : { "nodes" : { "it" : [ { "@isFolder" : "0", "k" : "1628", "id" : "OBJ1628", "n" : "Basic", "vis" : "1", "scenDesc" : { "@fullUrl" : "http:\/\/\/", "@isShortcut" : "0", "@isLink" : "0", "@ver" : "0", "@hf" : "0", "i" : "OBJ1628", "n" : "Basic", "k" : "1628", "c" : "5124", "p" : "1627", "h" : "0", "hasPrv" : "0", "ic" : "0" }, "internalKey" : "1629" }, { "@isFolder" : "0", "k" : "5371", "id" : "OBJ5371", "n" : "Basic (copy1)", "vis" : "1", "scenDesc" : { "@fullUrl" : "http:\/\/\/", "@isShortcut" : "0", "@isLink" : "0", "@ver" : "0", "@hf" : "0", "i" : "OBJ5371", "n" : "Basic (copy1)", "k" : "5371", "c" : "5124", "p" : "1627", "h" : "0", "hasPrv" : "0", "ic" : "0" }, "internalKey" : "5372" } ] } }, "item" : { "k" : "89669", "id" : "MODEL_NEW", "n" : "MODEL_NEW", "vis" : "1", "type" : "Problem", "problemMd" : { "metamodel" : { "k" : "89670", "calculationChain" : { "its" : { "Item" : [ { "k" : "1", "n" : "MyInputVavable", "vis" : "1", "type" : "Variable", "excluded" : "0", "graphMeta" : "{"Geometry":{"x":20,"y":10,"width":150,"height":50},"ChartOptions":{"chart":{"defaultSeriesType":"line","mixed":true,"backgroundColor":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.000000)"},"plotOptions":{"series":{"dataLabels":{"formatter":"%Autovalue","dataFormat":"#,##0.00"}}},"tooltip":{"formatter":"Value: %Autovalue\nDate: 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The SetMsFillGaps function changes the method of equation calculation. Input parameters:
ms. Opened modeling container instance.
modelKey. Key of the model that contains the equation.
eqKey. Equation key.
After executing the function returns the instance of modeling container that contains the equation.
public static MsItem SetMsFillGaps(MsId ms, ulong modelKey, ulong eqKey) { // Set operation execution parameters var setMsOp = new SetMs(); setMsOp.tMs = ms; setMsOp.tArg = new SetMsArg() { // Set data change pattern pattern = new MsMdPattern() { item = new MsItemPattern() { // Specify model key key = modelKey, problem = new MsProblemPattern() { metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern() { calculationChain = ListOperation.Change } } } }, // Set data that must be changed meta = new MsMd() { item = new MsItem() { // Specify model key k = modelKey, type = MsItemType.Problem, problemMd = new MsProblem() { metamodel = new MsMetaModel() { calculationChain = new MsCalculationChainEntries() { its = new MsCalculationChainEntry[] { new MsCalculationChainEntry() { k = eqKey, type = MsCalculationChainType.Model, model = new MsModel() { transform = new MsFormulaTransform() { formulas = new TsFormulas() { its = new TsFormula[] { new TsFormula() { kind = TsFormulaKind.FillGaps, method = new TsMethod() { // Set method calculation parameters fillGaps = new TsFillGapsMethod() { missingData = new StatMissingData() { method = StatMissingDataMethod.NPointsAverage, methodParameter = 6 } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }, // Set changed data getting pattern metaGet = new MsMdPattern() { scenarios = ListOperation.Get, period = true, item = new MsItemPattern() { key = modelKey, problem = new MsProblemPattern() { details = true, scenarios = ListOperation.Get, useSavedCoefficients = true, metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern() { calculationChain = ListOperation.Get, calcChainPattern = new MsCalculationChainPattern() { modelPattern = new MsModelPattern() { transform = new MsFormulaTransformPattern() { kind = true, formulaCount = true, formulas = new TsFormulaPattern() { method = new TsMethodPattern() { } }, equationsFormula = new TsFormulaPattern() { method = new TsMethodPattern() { } } } } }, visualControllerPattern = new MsMetaModelVisualControllerPattern() { variableRubricatorKey = true, levelFormat = MsLevelFormat.Short, useSourceName = false, freeVariables = true } } } } } }; // Create a proxy object for operation execution var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Set operation execution parameters var result = somClient.SetMs(setMsOp); return result.meta.item; }
See also:
SetMs: Operation | Missing Data Treatment Methods