Below is the example of using the SetMs operation to edit equation parameters. The following information is sent in the requests (SOAP, JSON): an instance of opened modeling container, operation execution parameters, equation settings for the Exponential smoothing method, and a pattern for getting changed data. After execution the operation returns the model that contains the changed equation.
The C# functions SetMsExpSmoothing_grid and SetMsExpSmoothing_opt change the method of equation calculation. Input parameters:
ms. Opened modeling container instance.
modelKey. Key of the model that contains the equation.
eqKey. Equation key.
After executing the function returns a model that contains the equation.
{ "SetMs" : { "tMs" : { "id" : "GDJKDKNCADNBFOAEGIAGHFCPECMLNKAEELPBDMJJHANMFGHH!M!S!CHDHKBONCADNBFOAEGHFNLPPFLAGHDKEEMLCEJLNILCOPLEEN" }, "tArg" : { "pattern" : { "obInst" : "true", "item" : { "key" : "89669", "problem" : { "metamodel" : { "calculationChain" : "Change" } } } }, "meta" : { "item" : { "k" : "89669", "type" : "Problem", "problemMd" : { "metamodel" : { "calculationChain" : { "its" : { "Item" : { "k" : "4", "type" : "Model", "model" : { "transform" : { "formulas" : { "its" : { "it" : [ { "k" : "0", "kind" : "ExponentialSmoothing", "method" : { "exponentialSmoothing" : { "trendComponent" : "Linear", "confidenceLevel" : "0.96", "missingData" : "", "params" : { "alpha" : "0.12" }, "seasonalComponent" : "", "autoSearch" : { "mode" : "Grid", "criterion" : "MeanAbsError", "quickestDescent" : { "initialApproximation" : { "gamma" : "0.12" }, "finalApproximation" : { "gamma" : "0.92" }, "gridStep" : "0.12" }, "alphaSearch" : "false", "gammaSearch" : "true", "deltaSearch" : "false", "phiSearch" : "false" } } } } ] } } } } } } } } } } }, "metaGet" : { "obInst" : "true", "scenarios" : "Get", "period" : "true", "item" : { "key" : "89669", "problem" : { "metamodel" : { "calculationChain" : "Get", "calcChainPattern" : { "modelPattern" : { "transform" : { "formulaCount" : "true", "formulas" : { "method" : "" }, "equationsFormula" : { "method" : "" }, "kind" : "true" } } }, "visualControllerPattern" : { "variableRubricatorKey" : "true", "useSourceName" : "false", "freeVariables" : "true", "levelFormat" : "Short" } }, "scenarios" : "Get", "details" : "true", "useSavedCoefficients" : "true" } } } } } }
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public static MsItem SetMsExpSmoothing_grid(MsId ms, ulong modelKey, ulong eqKey) { var setMsOp = new SetMs(); // Set operation execution parameters setMsOp.tMs = ms; setMsOp.tArg = new SetMsArg() { // Set data change pattern pattern = new MsMdPattern() { item = new MsItemPattern() { // Specify equation key key = modelKey, problem = new MsProblemPattern() { metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern() { calculationChain = ListOperation.Change } } } }, // Set data that must be changed meta = new MsMd() { item = new MsItem() { k = modelKey, type = MsItemType.Problem, problemMd = new MsProblem() { metamodel = new MsMetaModel() { calculationChain = new MsCalculationChainEntries() { its = new MsCalculationChainEntry[] { new MsCalculationChainEntry() { k = eqKey, type = MsCalculationChainType.Model, model = new MsModel() { transform = new MsFormulaTransform() { formulas = new TsFormulas() { its = new TsFormula[] { new TsFormula() { kind = TsFormulaKind.ExponentialSmoothing, method = new TsMethod() { // Set parameters of the Exponential Smoothing method exponentialSmoothing = new TsExponentialSmoothingMethod() { // Set confidence limits relevance confidenceLevel = 0.96, // Set seasonal effect seasonalComponent = new StatSeasonal(){}, // Set missing data treatment parameters missingData = new StatMissingData(){}, // Set growth model: additive trendComponent = StatTrendType.Linear, // Set coefficient values @params = new ExponentialSmoothingParams() { alpha = 0.12, delta = null, gamma = null, phi = null }, // Set parameters of coefficient value autoselection autoSearch = new ExponentialSmoothingAutoSearch() { // Set selected coefficients alphaSearch = false, deltaSearch = false, gammaSearch = true, phiSearch = false, // Set parameters of the Grid Search method mode = StatSearchType.Grid, quickestDescent =new ExponentialSmoothingQuickestDescentParams() { // Set search interval start values initialApproximation = new ExponentialSmoothingParams() { alpha = null, delta = null, gamma = 0.12, phi = null }, // Set search interval end values finalApproximation = new ExponentialSmoothingParams() { alpha = null, delta = null, gamma = 0.92, phi = null }, // Set grid step gridStep = 0.12 }, criterion = StatCriterionType.MeanAbsError } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }, // Set changed data getting pattern metaGet = new MsMdPattern() { scenarios = ListOperation.Get, period = true, item = new MsItemPattern() { key = modelKey, problem = new MsProblemPattern() { details = true, scenarios = ListOperation.Get, useSavedCoefficients = true, metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern() { calculationChain = ListOperation.Get, calcChainPattern = new MsCalculationChainPattern() { modelPattern = new MsModelPattern() { transform = new MsFormulaTransformPattern() { kind = true, formulaCount = true, formulas = new TsFormulaPattern() { method = new TsMethodPattern() { } }, equationsFormula = new TsFormulaPattern() { method = new TsMethodPattern() { } } } } }, visualControllerPattern = new MsMetaModelVisualControllerPattern() { variableRubricatorKey = true, levelFormat = MsLevelFormat.Short, useSourceName = false, freeVariables = true } } } } } }; // Create a proxy object for operation execution var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Set operation execution parameters var result = somClient.SetMs(setMsOp); return result.meta.item; }
{ "SetMs" : { "tMs" : { "id" : "FOHJOFJNADNBFOAEPDEIMKPCLJLPFLDEBILEJKOJMGKNANDD!M!S!CDJFPKJJNADNBFOAENAKODJNNPDGOIFMEKIFADEIKBFGIGHID" }, "tArg" : { "pattern" : { "obInst" : "true", "item" : { "key" : "89669", "problem" : { "metamodel" : { "calculationChain" : "Change" } } } }, "meta" : { "item" : { "k" : "89669", "type" : "Problem", "problemMd" : { "metamodel" : { "calculationChain" : { "its" : { "Item" : { "k" : "4", "type" : "Model", "model" : { "transform" : { "formulas" : { "its" : { "it" : [ { "k" : "0", "kind" : "ExponentialSmoothing", "method" : { "exponentialSmoothing" : { "trendComponent" : "Linear", "params" : { "alpha" : "0.12" }, "autoSearch" : { "mode" : "Optimal", "criterion" : "MeanError", "bestTrial" : { "initialApproximation" : { "gamma" : "0.12" }, "order" : "9", "methodConstant" : "0.15", "maxIteration" : "20" }, "alphaSearch" : "false", "gammaSearch" : "true", "deltaSearch" : "false", "phiSearch" : "false" } } } } ] } } } } } } } } } } }, "metaGet" : { "obInst" : "true", "scenarios" : "Get", "period" : "true", "item" : { "key" : "89669", "problem" : { "metamodel" : { "calculationChain" : "Get", "calcChainPattern" : { "modelPattern" : { "transform" : { "formulaCount" : "true", "formulas" : { "method" : "" }, "equationsFormula" : { "method" : "" }, "kind" : "true" } } }, "visualControllerPattern" : { "variableRubricatorKey" : "true", "useSourceName" : "false", "freeVariables" : "true", "levelFormat" : "Short" } }, "scenarios" : "Get", "details" : "true", "useSavedCoefficients" : "true" } } } } } }
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: "{MyOutputVavable|A[t]}", "termToInnerText" : "@_1:0[]", "termInfo" : { "k" : "4294967295", "lag" : "0", "inversion" : { "type" : "None", "lag" : "PrecidingValue", "previousLag" : "-1", "seasonality" : "None", "dependence" : "Linear", "K" : "3" }, "slice" : { "k" : "0", "id" : "MyOutputVavable|A", "n" : "MyOutputVavable|A", "vis" : "1", "variableKey" : "1", "stubKey" : "89671", "selections" : { "its" : { "Item" : { "id" : { "id" : "89683" }, "variant" : "2" } } }, "aggregator" : "None", "parametrizedDimensions" : { "its" : { "Item" : { "dimension" : "0", "parameter" : "0" } } }, "unitInfo" : { "unit" : "4294967295", "measure" : "4294967295", "baseUnit" : "4294967295", "unitsDimensionKey" : "0" }, "level" : "Year" }, "date" : "1899-12-30" }, "unitInfo" : { "unit" : "4294967295", "measure" : "4294967295", "baseUnit" : "4294967295", "unitsDimensionKey" : "0" }, "included" : "0" }, "asForecasting" : "0" }, "inversionInfo" : { "type" : "None", "lag" : "PrecidingValue", "previousLag" : 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"isIdentStartCorrect" : "1", "isIdentEndCorrect" : "1", "isForecastEndCorrect" : "1" }, "currentPoint" : "2018-04-25" }, "useSavedCoefficients" : "0", "useScenarios" : "0", "readOnly" : "0" } } } } }
public static MsItem SetMsExpSmoothing_opt(MsId ms, ulong modelKey, ulong eqKey) { var setMsOp = new SetMs(); // Set operation execution parameters setMsOp.tMs = ms; setMsOp.tArg = new SetMsArg() { // Set data change pattern pattern = new MsMdPattern() { item = new MsItemPattern() { // Specify model key key = modelKey, problem = new MsProblemPattern() { metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern() { calculationChain = ListOperation.Change } } } }, // Set data that must be changed meta = new MsMd() { item = new MsItem() { k = modelKey, type = MsItemType.Problem, problemMd = new MsProblem() { metamodel = new MsMetaModel() { calculationChain = new MsCalculationChainEntries() { its = new MsCalculationChainEntry[] { new MsCalculationChainEntry() { k = eqKey, type = MsCalculationChainType.Model, model = new MsModel() { transform = new MsFormulaTransform() { formulas = new TsFormulas() { its = new TsFormula[] { new TsFormula() { kind = TsFormulaKind.ExponentialSmoothing, method = new TsMethod() { // Set parameters of the Exponential Smoothing method exponentialSmoothing = new TsExponentialSmoothingMethod() { // Set growth model: additive trendComponent = StatTrendType.Linear, // Set coefficient values @params = new ExponentialSmoothingParams() { alpha = 0.12, delta = null, gamma = null, phi = null }, // Set parameters of coefficient value autoselection autoSearch = new ExponentialSmoothingAutoSearch() { // Set selected coefficients alphaSearch = false, deltaSearch = false, gammaSearch = true, phiSearch = false, // Set best trial method parameters mode = StatSearchType.Optimal, bestTrial = new ExponentialSmoothingBestTrialParams() { // Set initial values initialApproximation = new ExponentialSmoothingParams() { alpha = null, delta = null, gamma = 0.12, phi = null }, methodConstant = 0.15, order = 9, maxIteration = 20 }, criterion = StatCriterionType.MeanError } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }, // Set changed data getting pattern metaGet = new MsMdPattern() { scenarios = ListOperation.Get, period = true, item = new MsItemPattern() { key = modelKey, problem = new MsProblemPattern() { details = true, scenarios = ListOperation.Get, useSavedCoefficients = true, metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern() { calculationChain = ListOperation.Get, calcChainPattern = new MsCalculationChainPattern() { modelPattern = new MsModelPattern() { transform = new MsFormulaTransformPattern() { kind = true, formulaCount = true, formulas = new TsFormulaPattern() { method = new TsMethodPattern() { } }, equationsFormula = new TsFormulaPattern() { method = new TsMethodPattern() { } } } } }, visualControllerPattern = new MsMetaModelVisualControllerPattern() { variableRubricatorKey = true, levelFormat = MsLevelFormat.Short, useSourceName = false, freeVariables = true } } } } } }; // Create a proxy object for operation execution var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Set operation execution parameters var result = somClient.SetMs(setMsOp); return result.meta.item; }
See also:
SetMs: Operation | Exponential smoothing