OpenEaxResult OpenEax(OdId tObject, OpenEaxArg tArg)
tObject. Moniker of the object that is an express report.
tArg. Parameter of express report opening.
The OpenEax operation opens an express report and returns context for working with data and metadata.
To execute the operation, in the tObject parameter specify moniker of the object that is an express report, and in the tArg parameter specify parameters of opening. The object moniker can be obtained on executing the GetObjects operation. The tArg parameter may contain mode of express report opening (view or edit), values of the parameters to be sent to parametric data sources, and the pattern for getting metadata. The pattern specifies the information to be retrieved on executing the operation. If the express report is opened for view without metadata getting, the OpenEaxArg empty structure may be specified as the value of the tArg parameter.
The operation results in the opened express report instance moniker and also the metadata if an appropriate pattern was defined in the tArg parameter on executing the operation. To further work with the opened express report, use the GetEaxMd and SetEaxMd operations. To close the opened express report instance, use the CloseEax operation.
Use the following operations for further work with express report objects:
GetTabSheetData and SetTabSheetData. To work with a data table.
Various methods of using the operation are given in the following examples:
Example name |
Opening Express Report |
Opening Express Report for Edit |
Opening Express Report and Getting Metadata |
See also: