The following classes of objects are determined within the Forms assembly:
Class | Brief description | |
ActionItem | The ActionItem class implements action of the ActionList component. | |
ActionList | The ActionList class implements the ActionList development environment component that is used to create any equal actions for the corresponding menu items and buttons of the toolbar. | |
BannerBar | The BannerBar class implements the BannerBar development environment component that is used to create a form header (banner). | |
BeginDragEventArgs | The BeginDragEventArgs class implements argument of the OnBeginDrag event that occurs when the user starts dragging an object from the component. | |
Bevel | The Bevel class implements the Bevel development environment component that is used to select the groups of elements or for separating them one from another. | |
Breadcrumb | The Breadcrumb class implements the Breadcrumb development environment component that is used to create a breadcrumb. | |
Button | The Button class implements the Button development environment component that is a standard Windows button. | |
CancelEventArgs | The CancelEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur before any action. It is possible to cancel this action in these events. | |
CheckBox | The CheckBox class implements the CheckBox development environment component that is used to activate and deactivate any options or to indicate the state. | |
Clipboard | The Clipboard class implements the object that enables the user to work with Windows clipboard. | |
CloseQueryEventArgs | The CloseQueryEventArgs class implements argument of the OnCloseQuery event that occurs when the form receives a command for closing. | |
ColorDialog | The ColorDialog class implements the ColorDialog development environment component that is a standard dialog box of color selection from the color palette. | |
ComboBox | The ComboBox class grants the ComboBox development environment component that implements the combobox, which enables the user to select the existing values or enter the value manually. | |
CommandEventArgs | The CommandEventArgs class implements argument of the OnCommand event that occurs when any command is sent to the form. | |
CommonCalendarEventArgs | The CommonCalendarEventArgs class implements argument of the OnChange event that occurs when the calendar value is changed. | |
ControlBar | The ControlBar class grants the ControlBar development environment component that is used to create popup panels on the form. | |
CtrlGroupConditions | The CtrlGroupConditions class implements the CtrlGroupConditions development environment component that is used to group elements and work with them. | |
DateTimePicker | The DateTimePicker class grants the DateTimePicker development environment component that implements the combined calendar, which enables the user to edit the value of date and time. | |
DateTimePickerEventArgs | The DateTimePickerEventArgs class implements argument of the events of the DateTimePicker component. | |
DateTimePickerEx | The DateTimePickerEx class grants the DateTimePickerEx development environment component that implements the combined calendar with extended settings. | |
DateTimePickerExEventArgs | The DateTimePickerExEventArgs class implements argument of the events of the DateTimePickerEx component. | |
DecimalEdit | The DecimalEdit class implements the DecimalEdit development environment component. | |
DocumentPrinter | The DocumentPrinter class implements the DocumentPrinter development environment component that is used to print documents. | |
DragDrop | The DragDrop class implements the object that is used to get information when the data is dragged from Fore components to the .NET component loaded in NetControlBox. | |
DragEventArgs | The IDragEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur when the objects are dragged using the Drag&Drop mechanism. | |
DropForm | The DropForm class implements the DropForm development environment component that is used to create drop-down forms. | |
EditBox | The EditBox class implements the EditBox development environment component that is a single-line text editor. | |
EventArgs | The EventArgs class implements base argument of all events. | |
FileOpenDialog | The FileOpenDialog class implements the FileOpenDialog development environment component that is a standard dialog box of file opening. | |
FileSaveDialog | The FileSaveDialog class implements the FileSaveDialog development environment component that is a standard dialog box of file saving. | |
FlashBox | The FlashBox class implements the FlashBox development environment component that is used to display and control Flash objects. | |
FlashBoxCommandEventArgs | The FlashBoxCommandEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when a Flash object receives a command. | |
FlashBoxProgressEventArgs | The FlashBoxProgressEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when a Flash object is loaded. | |
FlashBoxReadyStateChangeEventArgs | The FlashBoxReadyStateChangeEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when Flash object readiness is changed. | |
FloatEdit | The FloatEdit class grants the FloatEdit development environment component that implements the field for entering real values. | |
FolderBrowserDialog | The FolderBrowserDialog class implements the FolderBrowserDialog development environment component that is a Windows standard dialog box of folder opening. | |
FontDialog | The FontDialog class implements the FontDialog development environment component that is a standard dialog box of color selection. | |
Form | The Form class is used to create custom forms. | |
Frame | The Frame class implements the Frame development environment component that is used to display a part of additional form on the current form. | |
GroupBox | The GroupBox class implements the GroupBox development environment component that is a container for other components. | |
HelpEventArgs | The HelpEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when pressing the component, if the mode of help displaying is active or on pressing the F1 button for the active component. | |
Hyperlink | The Hyperlink class implements the Hyperlink development environment component that enables the user to create hyperlinks on the form. | |
ImageBox | The ImageBox class implements the ImageBox development environment component that is used to load images. | |
ImageButton | The ImageButton class implements the ImageButton development environment component that is the standard Button component with extended possibilities to set the look. | |
ImageList | The ImageList class implements the ImageList development environment component that is used to save icons collection. | |
IntegerEdit | The IntegerEdit class grants the IntegerEdit development environment component that implements the field for entering integer values. | |
KeyEventArgs | The KeyEventArgs class implements argument of the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events. | |
KeyPressEventArgs | The KeyPressEventArgs class implements argument of the OnKeyPress and ToolbarComboBox.OnKeyPress events. | |
KeyPreviewEventArgs | The KeyPreviewEventArgs class implements argument of the OnKeyPreview event. | |
Label | The Label class implements the Label development environment component that is used to create inscriptions of the form. | |
ListBox | The ListBox class implements the ListBox component that is used to display the list of strings. | |
ListView | The ListView class implements the ListView development environment component that is used to display set of elements presented in different view. | |
ListViewActionEventArgs | The ListViewActionEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur before any action with elements of the ListView component. | |
ListViewColumnEventArgs | The ListViewColumnEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs on clicking the main mouse button on the column header of the ListView component. | |
ListViewCompareEventArgs | The ListViewCompareEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs on comparing two elements when sorting the ListView component in the column. | |
ListViewEditTextEventArgs | The ListViewEditTextEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs on editing the element or on changing a tooltip for elements of the ListView component. | |
ListViewEventArgs | The ListViewEventArgs class implements base argument of events of the ListView component. | |
ListViewItemEventArgs | The ListViewActionEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur before any action with elements of the ListView component. | |
ListViewSelectItemEventArgs | The ListViewSelectItemEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs on changing selection of any element of the ListView component. | |
MainMenu | The MainMenu class implements the MainMenu development environment component that is used to create the main menu on the form. | |
MapxBox | The MapxBox class implements the MapxBox development environment component that is a container for reviewing the MapInfo application maps. | |
MapxBoxEventArgs | The MapxBoxEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs after the tool has been used on the map. | |
MaskEdit | The MaskEdit class implements the MaskEdit development environment component that is used to enter the data in accordance with the set template. | |
MDIActivateEventArgs | The MDIActivateEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the active MDI child form is changed. | |
MDICloseEventArgs | The MDICloseEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the MDI child form is closed. | |
Memo | The Memo class implements the Memo development environment component that is a multiline text editor. | |
MenuButton | The MenuButton class implements the MenuButton development environment component that is a button with popup menu. | |
MenuItem | The MenuItem class implements an object that is a menu item. | |
MonthCalendar | The MonthCalendar class implements the MonthCalendar development environment component that is an expanded calendar, which is used to edit date value. | |
MouseClickEventArgs | The MouseClickEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the mouse button is pressed or released. | |
MouseEventArgs | The MouseEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur during mouse actions. | |
MouseWheelEventArgs | The MouseWheelEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the mouse wheel is turned. | |
NavigationBar | The NavigationBar class implements the NavigationBar development environment component. | |
NavigationBarPad | The NavigationBarPad class implements the NavigationBar component tab. | |
NavigationBarPadChangingEventArgs | The NavigationBarPadChangingEventArgs class implements argument of the OnActivePadChanging event that occurs before activating a tab of the NavigationBar component. | |
NavigationBarPadEventArgs | The NavigationBarPadEventArgs class implements event argument of the component NavigationBar. | |
OleDocumentBox | The OleDocumentBox class implements the OleDocumentBox development environment component that is used to work with COM objects. | |
OleDocumentBoxEventArgs | The OleDocumentBoxEventArgs class implements argument that describes an event that should be generated for the object loaded in OleDocumentBox. | |
PageControl | The PageControl class implements the PageControl development environment component that is a multiline panel, which enables the user to save space of the application window locating pages with different contents on the same place. | |
PageControlSheet | The PageControlSheet class implements page of the PageControl component. | |
Panel | The Panel class implements the Panel development environment component that is a panel, which serves as a container that unites a group of control components, input components and components of information displaying and other containers. | |
ParseTermEventArgs | The ParseTermEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the text is converted into term. | |
PopupMenu | The PopupMenu class implements the PopupMenu development environment component that is used to create a context menu. | |
PopupMenuEventArgs | The PopupMenuEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the context menu opens over any component of the form. | |
PositionEventArgs | The PositionEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur when the component is moved or resized. | |
PPButton | The PPButton class implements the PPButton development environment component. | |
PPButtonGroup | The PPButtonGroup class implements the PPButtonGroup development environment component. | |
PPCheckBox | The PPCheckBox class implements the PPCheckBox development environment component. | |
PPComboBox | The PPComboBox class implements the PPComboBox development environment component. | |
PPGroupBox | The PPGroupBox class implements the PPGroupBox development environment component. | |
PPListBox | The PPListBox class implements the PPListBox development environment component. | |
PPMemo | The PPMemo class implements the PPMemo development environment component. | |
PPMonthCalendar | The MonthCalendar class implements the PPMonthCalendar development environment component. | |
PPPageControl | The PPPageControl class implements the PPPageControl development environment component. | |
PPPageControlSheet | The PPPageControlSheet class implements page of the PPPageControl component. | |
PPProgressBar | The PPProgressBar class implements the PPProgressBar development environment component. | |
PPRadioButton | The PPRadioButton class implements the PPRadioButton development environment component. | |
PPSwitchButton | The PPSwitchButton class implements the button used by the PPButtonGroup component. | |
PPTrackBar | The PPTrackBar class implements the PPTrackBar development environment component. | |
ProgressBar | The ProgressBar class implements the ProgressBar development environment component that is used to indicate process of any task execution. | |
RadioButton | The RadioButton class implements the RadioButton development environment component that is a radio button used with other radio buttons to select one of possible values. | |
Ribbon | The Ribbon class implements the Ribbon development environment component that is used to create module ribbon. | |
RibbonButton | The RibbonButton class implements the Button ribbon control. | |
RibbonCategory | The RibbonCategory class implements the Tab ribbon control. | |
RibbonCheckBox | The RibbonCheckBox class implements the Checkbox ribbon control. | |
RibbonColorButton | The RibbonColorButton class implements the Button for Color Selection ribbon control. | |
RibbonComboBox | The RibbonComboBox class implements the Combo Box ribbon control. | |
RibbonContext | The RibbonContext class implements the Context Tab ribbon control. | |
RibbonEdit | The RibbonEdit class implements the Text Editor ribbon control. | |
RibbonFloatEdit | The IRibbonFloatEdit class implements the Float Values Editor ribbon control. | |
RibbonFontComboBox | The RibbonFontComboBox class implements the Combo Box for Font Selection ribbon control. | |
RibbonGroup | The RibbonGroup class implements the Group of Elements ribbon control. | |
RibbonIntegerEdit | The IRibbonIntegerEdit class implements the Integer Values Editor ribbon control. | |
RibbonLabel | The RibbonLabel class implements the Static Text ribbon control. | |
RibbonMainCategoryButton | The RibbonMainCategoryButton class implements the Button for Main Menu ribbon control. | |
RibbonPaletteButton | The RibbonPaletteButton class implements the Button for Calling the Combo Box ribbon control. | |
RibbonPanel | The RibbonPanel class implements the Panel ribbon control. | |
RibbonProgressBar | The RibbonProgressBar class implements the Process Bar ribbon control. | |
RibbonRadioButton | The RibbonRadioButton class implements the Radio Button ribbon control. | |
RibbonSeparator | The RibbonSeparator class implements the Separator ribbon control. | |
RibbonSlider | The RibbonSlider class implements the Slider ribbon control. | |
ScrollBox | The ScrollBox class implements the ScrollBox development environment component that is a panel that serves as a container, which unites a group of control components, input components and information displaying components and other containers. This component also has scrollbars that are used if all components do not fit into the visible area of the component. | |
ScrollEventArgs | The ScrollEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that are connected with change of scrollbars slider position of the component. | |
SearchEdit | The SearchEdit class implements the SearchEdit development environment component. | |
SpinEdit | The SpinEdit class implements the SpinEdit development environment component that is a combination of single-line edit box and SpinUp and SpinDown buttons. | |
Splitter | The Splitter class implements the Splitter development environment component that is used to divide form into areas, which can be resized during the work. | |
SplitterEventArgs | The SplitterEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the component linked to the Splitter component is resized. | |
StatusBar | The StatusBar class implements the StatusBar development environment component that is used to create status bars. | |
TermEdit | The TermEdit class implements the TermEdit development environment component that is a term editor. | |
TermEditEx | The TermEditEx class implements the TermEditEx development environment component that is a modified term editor. | |
TermEventArgs | The TermEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occur when the hyperlink of any term of the TermEdit and TermEditEx components is clicked. | |
Timer | The Timer class implements the Timer development environment component that is used to execute any code in the specific time intervals. | |
Toolbar | The Toolbar class implements the ToolBar development environment component that is used to create standard toolbars. | |
ToolbarButton | The ToolbarButton class implements the button that can be placed on the ToolBar toolbar. | |
ToolbarComboBox | The ToolbarComboBox class implements the combobox that can be placed on the ToolBar toolbar. | |
TrackBar | The TrackBar class implements the TrackBar development environment component that is a control, which value is changed using the slider. | |
TrackBarEventArgs | The TrackBarEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when slider position of the TrackBar component is changed. | |
TreeColumnEventArgs | The TreeColumnEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the main mouse button clicks on the header of the column of the TreeCombo or TreeList components. | |
TreeCombo | The TreeCombo class implements the TreeCombo development environment component that is used to display tree-like hierarchical structures as comboboxes. | |
TreeComboEventArgs | The TreeComboEventArgs class implements base argument of the events of the TreeCombo component. | |
TreeComboRollUpEventArgs | The TreeComboRollUpEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the combobox of the TreeCombo component collapses. | |
TreeControlCompareEventArgs | The TreeControlCompareEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occurs when custom sorting of elements the TreeCombo or TreeList components is executed. | |
TreeControlEventArgs | The TreeControlEventArgs class implements base argument of the events of the TreeCombo and TreeList components. | |
TreeList | The TreeList class implements the TreeList development environment component that is used to display tree-like hierarchical structures. | |
TreeNodeActionEventArgs | The TreeNodeActionEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur before any action with the tree node of the TreeCombo and TreeList components. | |
TreeNodeCheckedEventArgs | The TreeNodeCheckedEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs after the element checkbox selection has been changed. | |
TreeNodeCheckingEventArgs | The TreeNodeCheckingEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs before the element checkbox selection is changed. | |
TreeNodeColumnEventArgs | The TreeNodeColumnEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur when the mouse cursor hovers over the element within any column of the TreeCombo and TreeList components. | |
TreeNodeEditEventArgs | The TreeNodeEditEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs after exiting the element edit mode. | |
TreeNodeEventArgs | The TreeNodeEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur for any tree node of the TreeCombo and TreeList components. | |
TreeNodeGetHintEventArgs | The TreeNodeGetHintEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the tooltip is displayed for the element, over which the mouse cursor has stopped. | |
TreeNodeGetImageEventArgs | The TreeNodeGetImageEventArgs class implements argument of events that occur when the image and state image of the element of the tree of the TreeCombo and TreeList components are received. | |
TreeSearchEventArgs | The TreeSearchEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs at the beginning of search or filtering of elements in the component. | |
TreeSearchNodeEventArgs | The TreeSearchNodeEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs after search or filtering of elements in the component. | |
ValueChangedEventArgs | The ValueChangedEventArgs class implements argument of the events of the SpinEdit component. | |
WebBrowserBeforeNavigateEventArgs | The WebBrowserBeforeNavigateEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs before the jump to any web page is made. | |
WebBrowserBox | The WebBrowserBox class implements the WebBrowserBox development environment component used to load and display web pages. | |
WebBrowserUrlEventArgs | The WebBrowserUrlEventArgs class implements argument of the events of the WebBrowserBox component. | |
Wizard | The Wizard class grants the Wizard development environment component that is used to create wizards. | |
WizardNavigationEventArgs | The WizardNavigationEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur when the page is changed in the Wizard component. | |
WizardPage | The WizardPage class implements page of the Wizard component. | |
WizardSplash | The WizardSplash class implements the WizardSplash development environment component that is a common wizard splash screen that displays links to the wizard pages. |
See also:
Forms Assembly Interfaces | Forms Assembly Enumerations | Examples