

The IMapVisual interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with map factors on a map layer.The interface is basic for various factor types.


  Property name Brief description
AttributeName The AttributeName property determines the name of factor linking attribute.
DataAdapter The DataAdapter property determines a factor data source.
Name The Name property determines a factor name.
ToolTipFormat The ToolTipFormat property determines the format of display for the factor values in a tooltip.
Visible The Visible property determines factor visibility.
VisualType The VisualType property returns a factor type.


  Method name Brief description
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method stops factor rendering.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method resumes data rendering.
RefreshData The RefreshData method refreshes a factor.
ResetCache The ResetCache method resets a data source cache.

See also:

Map Assembly Interfaces