BarOriginOffset: IGxPointF;
The BarOriginOffset property determines parameters of the bar factor anchor point.
Executing the example requires a form with the Button1 button, the MapBox and UiMap components with a loaded map.Map bar factors must be set up.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
M: IMap;
Point: IGxPointF;
Layer: IMapLayer;
Shape: IMapTopobaseShape;
M := UiMap1.Map;
Layer := M.Layers.FindByName("Regions");
Shape := Layer.Shapes.Item(0);
Point := Shape.BarOriginOffset;
Point.Offset(0.1, 0.3);
Shape.BarOriginOffset := Point;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example on clicking the button the bar factor of the first area is displaced for "0.1" in the X-direction and for "0.3" in the Y-direction.
See also: