AutoCalculable: Boolean;
The AutoCalculable property determines whether report scale values (Value) are automatically calculated. If the property is set to True, scale values are automatically calculated, if the property is set to False, values are not automatically calculated. When the scale auto calculation is set, the linear method is selected by default. To select calculation type, use the IMapScale.AutoScaleMode property.
The example requires the Report object of the IPrxReport type.A color scale must be created for the regular report.
Sub UserProc;
Report: IPrxReport;
MapScale : IMapColorScale;
MapScale := Report.Scales.Item(0).MapScale As IMapColorScale;
MapScale.AutoCalculable := True;
MapScale.AutoScaleMode := MapAutoScaleMode.Uniform;
End Sub UserProc;
The auto calculation of the Equal Intervals type values is set for the regular report scale.
See also: