Layer: IMapLayer;
DataAdapter: Object;
StartColor: IGxColor;
EndColor: IGxColor);
Layer - map layer.
DataAdapter - cube value, which corresponds to the territory.
StartColor - gradient start color.
EndColor - gradient end color.
The AutoSetup method executes color scale autoset: it applies the gradient fill and calculates the (Value) for the scale tick marks preserving the specified number of intervals (Count).
The example requires the Report object of the IPrxReport type.The regular report sheet must contain the map, for which a map factor was created.
Sub UserProc;
Report: IPrxReport;
Map : IMap;
Layer : IMapLayer;
Visual: IMapAreaVisual;
MapScale : IMapColorScale;
a,b : IGxColor;
Map := (Report.Sheets.Item(0) As IPrxTable).TabSheet.Objects.Item(0).Extension As IMap;
Layer := Map.Layers.FindByName("Regions");
Visual := Layer.Visuals.Item(0) As IMapAreaVisual;
a := New GxColor.CreateRGB(120, 125, 225);
b := New GxColor.CreateRGB(170, 115, 225);
MapScale := Report.Scales.Item(0).MapScale As IMapColorScale;
MapScale.AutoSetup(Layer, Visual.DataAdapter, a, b);
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the scale tick mark values are calculated and the gradient is set.
See also: