Executing the example requires a form containing the following components:
A button with the Button1 identifier.
LanerBox with the LanerBox1 identifier.
UiErAnalyzer with the UiErAnalyzer1 identifier that is a data source for LanerBox1. Workbook of the time series database must be loaded to UiErAnalyzer1.
TreeList with theTreeList1 identifier containing two columns.
Add links to the following system assemblies:
The example handles the OnClick event for the Button1 component:
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
EaxStat: IEaxStatistics;
Tree: ITsStatisticsTree;
i: integer;
Nodes: ITreeListNodes;
StatNode, ParentNode: ITreeListNode;
HashT: IHashtable;
Wbk: IEaxWorkbook;
EaxStat := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer.Statistics;
Wbk := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer As IEaxWorkbook;
Wbk.Statistics.Visible := True;
Wbk.Statistics.Enabled := True;
// Exclude part of statistics from tree creation
EaxStat.StatisticsVisible(TsStatisticsType.Max) := False;
EaxStat.StatisticsVisible(TsStatisticsType.Min) := False;
EaxStat.StatisticsVisible(TsStatisticsType.Average) := False;
// Get statistics
Tree := EaxStat.AllStatistics;
// Clear the component to display statistics tree
Nodes := TreeList1.Nodes;
// Build the tree
If Tree = Null Then
End If;
HashT := New Hashtable.Create;
For i := 0 To Tree.Count - 1 Do
ParentNode := Null;
If Tree.ParentNode(i) <> -1 Then
ParentNode := HashT(Tree.ParentNode(i));
End If;
StatNode := Nodes.AddChild(ParentNode, Tree.Name(i));
If Tree.Type(i) <> TsStatisticsTreeNodeType.Category Then
StatNode.ColumnText(1) := Tree.Value(i);
End If;
StatNode.Data := i;
HashT(i) := StatNode;
End For;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example on clicking the button the statistics tree is built for the workbook table. The tree does not display the Minimum, Maximum and Average values.
Executing this example requires a form containing the following components:
A button with the Button1 identifier.
LanerBoxNet with the lanerBoxNet1 identifier.
uiErAnalyzerNet with the uiErAnalyzerNet1 identifier that is a data source for lanerBoxNet1. Workbook of the time series database must be loaded to uiErAnalyzerNet1.
TreeListNet with the treeListNet1 identifier containing two columns.
Example is a handler of the Click event for the button1 component.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeCollections;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Transform;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Forms;
Private Sub button1_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
EaxStat: IEaxStatistics;
Tree: ITsStatisticsTree;
i: integer;
Nodes: ITreeListNodes;
StatNode, ParentNode: ITreeListNode;
HashT: IHashtable;
Wbk: IEaxWorkbook;
EaxStat := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer.Statistics;
Wbk := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer As IEaxWorkbook;
Wbk.Statistics.Visible := True;
Wbk.Statistics.Enabled := True;
// Exclude part of statistics from tree creation
EaxStat.StatisticsVisible[TsStatisticsType.tstMax] := False;
EaxStat.StatisticsVisible[TsStatisticsType.tstMin] := False;
EaxStat.StatisticsVisible[TsStatisticsType.tstAverage] := False;
// Get statistics
Tree := EaxStat.AllStatistics;
// Clear the component to display statistics tree
Nodes := treeListNet1.CtrlBox.Nodes;
// Build the tree
If Tree = Null Then
End If;
HashT := New Hashtable.Create();
For i := 0 To Tree.Count - 1 Do
ParentNode := Null;
If Tree.ParentNode[i] <> -1 Then
ParentNode := HashT[Tree.ParentNode[i]] As ITreeListNode;
End If;
StatNode := Nodes.AddChild(ParentNode, Tree.Name[i]);
If Tree.Type[i] <> TsStatisticsTreeNodeType.tstntCategory Then
StatNode.ColumnText[1] := Tree.Value[i].ToString();
End If;
StatNode.Data := i;
HashT[i] := StatNode;
End For;
End Sub;
The result of example execution matches with that of the Fore example.
See also: