
Assembly: Pivot;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Pivot;


The IPivotFilterSettings interface is used to work with data filtering parameters.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To get a object of this type, cast the IPivotFilter interface to IPivotFilterSettings.


  Property name Brief description
AttributeLinks The AttributeLinks property returns filtering parameters by dimension attributes links.
Condition The Condition property determines filtering expression parameters.
ConditionType The ConditionType property determines the condition type, according to which data is filtered.
ConditionValueA The ConditionValueA property determines the first value that is used in data filtering.
ConditionValueB The ConditionValueB property determines the second value that is used in data filtering.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether data is filtered in table.
FilterSources The FilterSources property determines whether external filters are used for filtering.
KeepNeighbors The KeepNeighbors property determines whether data is filtered by levels of last dimension hierarchy.
KeepParent The KeepParent property determines whether owners of non-excluded elements are kept in the filtered table.
SupressEmpty The SupressEmpty property determines whether cells with empty values are filtered.
SupressNoNumeric The SuppressNoNumeric property determines whether cells with non-numeric values are filtered.
SupressZeros The SuppressZeros property determines whether cells with zero values are filtered.
UseCondition The UseCondition property determines whether data filtering by condition is used in table.
UseTransformationFilter The UseTransformationFilter property determines whether data filtering by formula is used.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces