
Fore Syntax

B1: ITimeSeries;

Fore.NET Syntax

B1: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms.ITimeSeries;


The B1 property returns series after prior adjustment or source series.


This interface also enables the user to get:

Fore Example

Custom method of calculation which returns forecast values for any forecast calculation method is given.

Add links to the Ms, Stat system assemblies.

Public Function X11Result(Result: Variant): ITimeSeries;
    X11Res: IMsX11Result;
    Series: ITimeSeries;
    X11Res := Result As IMsX11Result;
    // Display method name
    Debug.WriteLine("Method name: " + X11Res.BaseMethod.Name);
    // Get series after prior adjustment or source series and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.B1;
    Debug.WriteLine("Series after a prior adjustment or source series");
    // Get seasonal component of the source series and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.D10;
    Debug.WriteLine("Seasonal component of the source series");
    // Get seasonal adjustment and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.D11;
    Debug.WriteLine("Seasonal adjustment");
    // Get trend-cycle component and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.D12;
    Debug.WriteLine("Trend-cycle component");
    // Get irregular component and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.D13;
    Debug.WriteLine("Irregular component");
    // Return forecast series
    Return X11Res.Fitted;
End Function X11Result;

// Procedure of series values displaying in the console window
Sub Print(Series: ITimeSeries);
    i: Integer;
    d: DateTime;
    For i := Series.StartIndex To Series.EndIndex Do
        d := Series.IndexToDate(i);
        Debug.WriteLine(CultureInfo.Current.FormatShortDate(d) + ": " + Series.Item(i));
    End For;
End Sub Print;

After executing the example the console window displays results of the X11 method calculation.

This custom method can be used in determinate equation, in calculatornbsp; in time series analysis and in expression editor. For example, the use of custom method in determinate equation:

IMSX11RESULT_B1.X11Result(x11(X1, Null, MsOutputSeriesType.B1, SeasonalityType.Multiplicative))


Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;

Public Shared Function X11Result(Result: object): ITimeSeries;
    X11Res: IMsX11Result;
    Series: ITimeSeries;
    X11Res := Result As IMsX11Result;
    // Display method name
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Method name: " + X11Res.BaseMethod.Name);
    // Get series after prior adjustment or source series and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.B1;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Series after a priori adjustment or the source series");
    // Get seasonal component of the source series and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.D10;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Seasonal component of source series");
    // Get seasonal adjustment and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.D11;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Seasonal adjustment");
    // Get trend-cycle component and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.D12;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Trend-cycle component");
    // Get irregular component and display it in the console window
    Series := X11Res.D13;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Irregular component");
    // Return forecast series
    Return X11Res.Fitted;
End Function X11Result;

// Procedure of series values displaying in the console window
Public Shared Sub Print(Series: ITimeSeries);
    CultureInfo: CultureInfoClassClass = New CultureInfoClassClass();
    i: Integer;
    d: DateTime;
    For i := Series.StartIndex To Series.EndIndex Do
        d := Series.IndexToDate(i);
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(CultureInfo.Current.FormatShortDate(d) + ": " + Series.Item[i]);
    End For;
End Sub Print;

See also:
