

The UiDataSource class implements the UiDataSource development environment component that is used to connect data access components with visual components enabling to view and edit data.

Properties inherited from IUiDataSource

  Property name Brief description
The Dataset property determines the data set, for which the UiDataSource component is a means of transferring information to visual data access components.
The Enabled property determines whether it is possible to select a component when working with a form.
The State property returns the current state of the data source.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
The Components property returns a child component, which index is passed via the input parameter.
The Data property is used to store any custom data.
The Name property determines the component name.
The Tag property is not used by the compiler. The user can change the value of this property and use it at his discretion.

Methods inherited from IUiDataSource

  Method name Brief description
The Edit method edits the data source.
The IsLinkedTo method checks if the UiDataSource data source is linked to the Dataset data set.


  Event name Brief description
OnDataChange The OnDataChange event occurs on moving to another record and on changing the field value.
OnUpdateData The OnUpdateData event occurs before saving the changed data to the database.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Classes