

The IStandardCubeFactBindings interface contains properties to set up cube calculated fact.


The IStandardCubeFactBindings.Binding property returns cube fact binding. The IStandardCubeFactBindings source collection must be obtained with the IStandardCube.CalcBindings property. To work with calculated fact, bring the IStandardCubeFactBindings.Binding property result to the IStandardCubeCalculatedFactBinding interface.

The calculated fact setup includes determining a formula, which will be used to calculate values. The formula is specified in the IStandardCubeFactBinding.Formula property.

If the cube structure has a calendar dimension, the TimeBackwardLag, TimeForwardLag, TimeLagLevel properties enable setting of selection extension (lags) parameters on data extraction. Selection extension may be required if formula calculation requires values of elements that are not included into the selection.


  Property name Brief description
CalcMethod The CalcMethod property determines value calculation mode of calculated fact on cube creation.

The IncludeInSelection property determines whether the calculated cube will be included in to selection on cube calculation.

TimeBackwardLag The TimeBackwardLag property determines the value that is an increase in the selection back (lag back) for the specified calendar level.
TimeForwardLag The TimeForwardLag property determines the value, to which selection is an increase forward (forward lag) for the specified calendar level.
TimeLagLevel The TimeLagLevel property determines a level of calendar, in which it is required to shift the selection to calculate a calculated factor.

Properties inherited from IStandardCubeFactBinding

  Property name Brief description
The AggregatedDataType property determines a data type after aggregation.
The AggregatedDataTypePrecision property determines value precision (the number of digits after a comma) after aggregation.
The AggregationType property determines a type of aggregation used for a data source.
The BindingRole property returns binding role.
The CustomAggregateFunction property determines a custom method of aggregation calculation.
The DistinctAggregate property determines whether identical data needs to be aggregated.
The FactKey property returns a fact key used for binding.
The Formula property returns the expression, which binds cube fact to data source fields or a expression, which determines a calculated cube value.
The ReadOnly property returns whether data can be edited via the binding. The property is used only for calculated cube facts.
The ReverseFactKey property determines a key of a cube fact, which value is calculated by the ReverseFormula formula.
The ReverseFormula property returns the expression that is used to determine a fact value with the ReverseFactKey key.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces