Table: ITable;
The Table property determines the repository table, to which the fact is required to bind.
The Table property is used if the fact values are stored in different tables.
After the Table property is set, call the InitDimensions method. This prepares dimensions to bind to the fields of the selected table. A dimensions collection can be obtained in the Dimensions property after calling the InitDimensions method and the ability to set up the binding to the table field using the Fields property of each of the dimensions. Binding to binary fields is not supported.
If the Table property is not specified, the access to dimensions and their setup are executed in the ICubeCreator.Dimensions property.
NOTE. If the ICubeCreatoFactr.Table property is set, the ICubeCreator.Table property must not be specified.
Executing the example requires the following objects in the repository:
Calendar dictionary with the CALENDAR identifier.
Folder with the F_CUBES identifier that stores the cubes.
Two tables with the Table_1 and Table_2 identifiers.
Sub UserProc;
MB: IMetabase;
CCreator: ICubeCreator;
Facts: ICubeCreatorFacts;
Dims: ICubeCreatorDimensions;
Dim: IDimensionModel;
CreatorDim: ICubeCreatorDimension;
CreatorFact1, CreatorFact2: ICubeCreatorFact;
CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
TmpCube: IStandardCube;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
//Cube creator
CCreator := New CubeCreator.Create;
//Cube dimensions collection
Dims := CCreator.Dimensions;
//Dimension that is based on the current dictionary
Dim := MB.ItemById("CALENDAR").Bind As IDimensionModel;
//Cube facts
Facts := CCreator.Facts;
CreatorFact1 := Facts.Add("Fact1");
CreatorFact1.Table := MB.ItemById("Table_1").Bind As ITable;
CreatorFact1.Field := "F_FACT";
CreatorFact1.AggregationType := CubeFactBindingAggregationType.Sum;
CreatorFact2 := Facts.Add("Fact2");
CreatorFact2.Table := MB.ItemById("Table_2").Bind As ITable;
CreatorFact2.Field := "F_FACT";
CreatorFact2.AggregationType := CubeFactBindingAggregationType.Sum;
//Set up dimension by different data sources, to which facts are bound
//Binding to table of the first fact
CreatorDim := CreatorFact1.Dimensions.Item(0);
CreatorDim.Index := Dim.Blocks.Item("MONTHS").Indexes.PrimaryIndex;
//Binding to the second fact table
CreatorDim := CreatorFact2.Dimensions.Item(0);
CreatorDim.Index := Dim.Blocks.Item("YEARS").Indexes.PrimaryIndex;
//Information about creating a repository object
CrInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo;
CrInfo.Parent := MB.ItemById("F_CUBES");
CrInfo.Permanent := True;
//Cube creation
TmpCube := CCreator.CreateCube(CrInfo);
(TmpCube As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserProc;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Db;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
MB: IMetabase;
CCreator: ICubeCreator;
Facts: ICubeCreatorFacts;
Dims: ICubeCreatorDimensions;
Dim: IDimensionModel;
CreatorDim: ICubeCreatorDimension;
CreatorFact1, CreatorFact2: ICubeCreatorFact;
CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
TmpCube: IStandardCube;
MB := Params.Metabase;
//Cube creator
CCreator := New CubeCreatorClass();
//Cube dimensions collection
Dims := CCreator.Dimensions;
//Dimension that is based on the current dictionary
Dim := MB.ItemById["CALENDAR"].Bind() As IDimensionModel;
//Cube facts
Facts := CCreator.Facts;
CreatorFact1 := Facts.Add("Fact1");
CreatorFact1.Table := MB.ItemById["Table_1"].Bind() As ITable;
CreatorFact1.Field := "F_FACT";
CreatorFact1.AggregationType := CubeFactBindingAggregationType.cfbatSum;
CreatorFact2 := Facts.Add("Fact2");
CreatorFact2.Table := MB.ItemById["Table_2"].Bind() As ITable;
CreatorFact2.Field := "F_FACT";
CreatorFact2.AggregationType := CubeFactBindingAggregationType.cfbatSum;
//Set up dimension by different data sources, to which facts are bound
//Binding to table of the first fact
CreatorDim := CreatorFact1.Dimensions.Item[0];
CreatorDim.Index := Dim.Blocks.Item["MONTHS"].Indexes.PrimaryIndex;
//Binding to the second fact table
CreatorDim := CreatorFact2.Dimensions.Item[0];
CreatorDim.Index := Dim.Blocks.Item["YEARS"].Indexes.PrimaryIndex;
//Information about creating a repository object
CrInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo();
CrInfo.Parent := MB.ItemById["F_CUBES"];
CrInfo.Permanent := True;
//Cube creation
TmpCube := CCreator.CreateCube(CrInfo);
(TmpCube As IMetabaseObject).Save();
End Sub;
The cube creator is initialized on executing the example. Two facts are to be created in the facts collection. Each fact will be bound with a separate table, the aggregation will be set up. The dimension collection, based on the calendar dictionary, is created in collection. The binding to each table is set up for dimension. A cube is created in the specified folder.
See also: