
Assembly: Cubes;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;


The ICubeAttachmentsEdited interface is used to edit collection of attachments stored by specific cube coordinate.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To edit collection of attachments, use the ICubeAttachmentManager.ReadAttachments method. After editing is finished, call the ICubeAttachmentManager.Post method.

Properties inherited from ICubeAttachments

  Property name Brief description
The Attributes property returns collection of dictionary attributes where cube attachments are stored.
The Count property returns the number of attachments in collection.
The Item property returns parameters of the attachment with the specified index.


  Method name Brief description
The AddNew method creates a new attachment.
The Edit method opens attachment with the specified index for edit.
The EditByKey method opens attachment with the specified key for edit.
The Remove method removes attachment with the specified index.
The RemoveByKey method removes the attachment with the specified key.

Methods inherited from ICubeAttachments

  Method name Brief description
The FindByKey property searches by key and returns attachment parameters in case of successive search results.
The IndexOf method returns index of the specified attachment in the collection.
The IndexOfKey method returns index in the collection for attachment with the specified key.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces