

Month(Calendar: IDimInstance; El: Integer): Integer;

Month(Calendar: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions.IDimInstance; El: uinteger): uinteger;


Calendar. Data of the calendar dictionary, by which calculation is executed.

El. Index of the element, relative to which calculation is executed.


The Month method returns index of the element corresponding to the month, which includes the specified element.


For correct calculation the calendar dictionary must contain the Months level. If the level is missing, the method returns -1.

For example, if the calendar dictionary contains the Quarters, Months, Days levels and the calculation is executed for:


The method use is identical to the the use in the example for ICalendarDimensionClass.Day.

NOTE. To execute the example, replace the Day method with Month. Make sure that the repository contains a table with data by months or days and a calendar dictionary containing the Months level, and determine corresponding settings for standard cube.

See also:
