
Assembly: Cubes;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;


The CubeCombinedExecutor class implements an object used for parallel calculation of output cube matrices.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class to get analog of the CubeCombinedExecutor class:


Class to get analog of the CubeCombinedExecutor class object:


Class object properties inherited from ICubeCombinedExecutor

  Property name Brief description
The Count property returns the number of available results of parallel cube calculation.
The Item property returns calculation results with the specified index.

The IncludeAttachments property determines whether information about attachments will be obtained on calculation.

Class object methods inherited from ICubeCombinedExecutor

  Method name Brief description
The AddCube method adds a cube to the list for parallel calculation.
The AddCubeDest method adds a cube display version into the list for parallel calculation.
The Clear method clears a list of cubes, for which parallel calculation can be executed.
The Execute method executes parallel calculation of cubes.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Classes