ModeElements: Boolean;
ModeElements: boolean;
The ModeElements property determines the MODEELEMENTS parameter value in binding string.
The MODEELEMENTS parameter determines displaying of theOnly by Elements selection mode.
On simultaneous use with the MODELEVELS parameter, theBy Elements and Levels level will be displayed.
Executing the example requires a calendar dictionary with the CALENDAR identifier.
Function CreateDimComboBidning(Dimension: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor): String;
BM: IBindingManager;
DimComboBinding: IBindingDimCombo;
BM := New BindingManager.Create;
DimComboBinding := BM.CreateByUi("DimCombo") As IBindingDimCombo;
DimComboBinding.Object := "CALENDAR";
DimComboBinding.ModeElementsDefined := True;
DimComboBinding.ModeElements := True;
Return DimComboBinding.AsString;
End Function CreateDimComboBidning;
The function generates a binding string to use the value editor as a drop-down list of the dictionary. The editor will be displayed in the Only by Elements selection mode.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example executing match with those in the Fore example. Use Fore.NET analogs instead of Fore components.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;
Function CreateDimComboBidning(Dimension: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor): String;
BM: IBindingManager;
DimComboBinding: IBindingDimCombo;
BM := New BindingManager.Create();
DimComboBinding := BM.CreateByUi("DimCombo") As IBindingDimCombo;
DimComboBinding.Object := "CALENDAR";
DimComboBinding.ModeElementsDefined := True;
DimComboBinding.ModeElements := True;
Return DimComboBinding.AsString;
End Function CreateDimComboBidning;
See also: