NodeDblClick: function (sender, args)
sender. Event source.
args. Event information.
The NodeDblClick event occurs on double click on a tree node.
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain MetabaseTreeList component named list1 (see Example of Creating the MetabaseTreeList Component). Add a handler of the NodeDblClick event:
list1.NodeDblClick.add(function (sender, args) { list1.setMultiSelect(false); obj = list1.getMbObjectByKey(list1.getSelectedKeys()); if (obj.getReadOnly() == true) alert("Read-only object") else alert("Edit object?") })
After executing the example double click on a tree node disables multiple selection, and the following message appears on the screen: "This object is read only" (if the ReadOnly property is set to True), or "Do you want to edit object?" if otherwise.
See also: