Opened: function (sender, args)
sender. Event source.
args. Event information.
The Opened event occurs on opening a repository.
A repository can be opened by means of the method.
Executing the example requires a created connection to repository named mb (see Example of Creating the DimensionCombo Component). Add the Opened event handler:
mb.Opened.add(function (sender, args)
console.log("import URL: " + mb.getImportUrl() + "; export URL: " + mb.getExportUrl() + "; connection ID: " + mb.getConnectionId())
After executing the example on opening the repository (after executing the method) appropriate information is displayed in the browser console, for example:
Import URL: PPService.axd?action=import; Export URL: PPService.axd?action=export; Connection ID: JJPKLBNJDJHBEOAEGEOOJKCIEBEBNOGEBJKAFGABHPJGAHHC!M
See also: