SerieType: ChartSerieType;
SerieType: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Chart.ChartSerieType;
The SerieType property determines the type of a series.
This property is used only for the mixed (MultiPle) and radar (Petals) chart series, and the bar series (Bars) cannot be used for the radar chart series.
To change the chart type, use the IChart.Type property.
This example assumes that there is the Chart object of the IChart type.
Sub User;
Chart: IChart;
Series: IChartSerie;
Chart.Type := ChartType.Multiple; // combined chart
Series := Chart.Series.Item(0);
Series.SerieType := ChartSerieType.Areas;
End Sub User;
After executing the example the series type is represented on the chart as an area.
See also: