BorderPen: IGxPen;
BorderPen: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing.GxPen;
The BordenPen property determines a border (outline) of a data series.
Data series border is displayed on the following charts: area chart, pie chart, combined chart, and some instances of a stock chart.
This example assumes that there is the Chart object of the IChart type.
Sub BPS;
Chart: IChart;
Serie: IChartSerie;
BPen : IGxPen;
Serie := Chart.Series.Item(0);
BPen := New GxPen.CreateSolid(New GxColor.CreateARGB(255,0,0,255),1.02);
Serie.BorderPen := BPen ;
End Sub BPS;
After executing the example the series in the graph is outlined with blue.
See also: