The ChartSeriePropertyInheritance enumeration contains settings of the series that are inherited by other series.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
1 | Type. Series line type. |
2 | Background. Fill parameters for data series. |
4 | BorderPen. Parameters of the data series border line. |
8 | LinePen. Parameters of the line of selected chart data series. |
16 | EmptyLinePen. Parameters of the chart line with no data. |
32 | UseSplineSmoothing. Indicates whether data series are smoothed. |
64 | DisplayAtSecondaryAxis. |
128 | PieDistanceCoef. Distance between pie chart center and extreme series sector. |
256 | DisplayInLegend. Indicates whether series is displayed in legend. |
512 | Visible. Data series visibility. |
1024 | AllowEdit. Indicates whether series values can be edited directly on the chart. |
2048 | _3DBorder. Indicates whether 3D style can be used for series border. |
4096 | AutoRotateMarker. Indicates whether marker can be automatically rotated for data series. |
8192 | StepLineType. Stepped series type. |
16384 | DisplayShadow. Indicates whether data series are displayed with shadow. |
32768 | Shadow. Data series shadow parameters. |
65536 | DisplayMarkers. Indicates whether markers are visible. |
262144 | LineColor. Series line color. |
524288 | BackgroundBorderColor. Series background borders color. |
1048576 | BackgroundColor. Series background color. |
2097152 | BackgroundColorStart. Start color of series background gradient. |
4194304 | BackgroundColorEnd. End color of series background gradient. |
33554432 | BackgroundColorTransparent. Color that will be transparent for series background. |
134217728 | BackgroundGradientAngle. Gradient angle of series background. |
176029695 | All. All settings. |
See also: