

The ChartSeriePropertyInheritance enumeration contains settings of the series that are inherited by other series.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available values

Value Brief description
1 Type. Series line type.
2 Background. Fill parameters for data series.
4 BorderPen. Parameters of the data series border line.
8 LinePen. Parameters of the line of selected chart data series.
16 EmptyLinePen. Parameters of the chart line with no data.
32 UseSplineSmoothing. Indicates whether data series are smoothed.
64 DisplayAtSecondaryAxis.
128 PieDistanceCoef. Distance between pie chart center and extreme series sector.
256 DisplayInLegend. Indicates whether series is displayed in legend.
512 Visible. Data series visibility.
1024 AllowEdit. Indicates whether series values can be edited directly on the chart.
2048 _3DBorder. Indicates whether 3D style can be used for series border.
4096 AutoRotateMarker. Indicates whether marker can be automatically rotated for data series.
8192 StepLineType. Stepped series type.
16384 DisplayShadow. Indicates whether data series are displayed with shadow.
32768 Shadow. Data series shadow parameters.
65536 DisplayMarkers. Indicates whether markers are visible.
262144 LineColor. Series line color.
524288 BackgroundBorderColor. Series background borders color.
1048576 BackgroundColor. Series background color.
2097152 BackgroundColorStart. Start color of series background gradient.
4194304 BackgroundColorEnd. End color of series background gradient.
33554432 BackgroundColorTransparent. Color that will be transparent for series background.
134217728 BackgroundGradientAngle. Gradient angle of series background.
176029695 All. All settings.

See also:

Chart Assembly Enumerations