
Assembly: Andy;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Andy;


The IWxStraightLink interface determines connecting line parameters.A connecting line is always strictly vertical or horizontal.

NOTE. If a connecting line creates a link between two objects, each object is provided with a new connection point, which is used by this connecting line.

Inheritance Hierarchy







Properties inherited from IWxLink

  Property name Brief description
FirstPoint The FirstPoint property determines position of the initial line point.
LastPoint The LastPoint property determines position of the end line point.
Ordered Outdated. The Ordered property determines whether a line is directional. This property is outdated, it is recommended to use the IWxStyle.LinePenBeginWxCap and IWxStyle.LinePenEndWxCap properties.
PointCount The PointCount property returns the number of line points.
Points The Points property determines a coordinate for a line point.

Methods inherited from IWxLink

  Method name Brief description
InsertPoint The InsertPoint method inserts a new point.
RemovePoint The RemovePoint method removes a line point by the specified index.

Properties inherited from IWxConnector

  Property name Brief description
FirstPointAutoCpSelect The FirstPointAutoCpSelect property determines whether automatic point selection is used when connecting the beginning of a connecting object with another shape.
LastPointAutoCpSelect The LastPointAutoCpSelect property determines whether automatic point selection is used when connecting the end of a connecting object with another shape.

Properties inherited from IWxShape

  Property name Brief description


The AllowedInteractions property determines the actions that are available for a workspace shape.


The Angle property determines shape rotation angle.


The ConnectedCP property returns an index for a connection point of a shape connected with the source object in the defined point.


The ConnectedCpShapesCount property returns the number of connection points connected with the connection point defined by the index.


The ConnectedShapes property enables the user to get a shape connected with the source object in the defined point.


The ConnectionPoints property returns coordinates for object connection points.


The ConnectionPointsCount property returns the number of object connection points.


The Cursor property determines the appearance of cursor when over an object.


Outdated. The DrawType property determines the type of shape rendering.


The Extension property determines shape extension object.


The FormattedText property determines formatted text of the shape in the RTF format.


The GroupBehaviour property determines an object behavior during resizing of a group that contains this object.


The Id property determines object identifier.


The LocalPinPositionCoeff property determines rotation point offset relative to the shape size.


The Parent property returns a parent container of the shape.


The Picture property determines the image to be used as a shape fill.


The PinPosition property determines coordinate of shape position.


The SelectionStyle property determines parameters for formatting the selected shape text fragment.


The Size property determines shape size.


The Style property determines parameters of shape formatting.


The Tag property is not used by the compiler. The property can be determined and used as required.


The Text property determines the text that will be included into a shape.


The TextHorzOffset property determines horizontal offset of text.


The TextVertOffset property determines vertical offset of text.


The TransparentColor property determines the color that will be transparent on an image and is used as a shape fill.


The Workspace property returns a shape owner, that is, a workspace.

Methods inherited from IWxShape

  Method name Brief description
AddConnectionPoint The AddConnectionPoint method adds an object connection point.
BringToFront The BringToFront method brings an object to front.
CreateExtension The CreateExtension method creates an extension for a workspace shape.
MoveConnectionPoint The MoveConnectionPoint method moves object connection point to the specified point.
RemoveConnectionPoint The RemoveConnectionPoint method removes object connection point.
SendToBack The SendToBack method sends an object to back.

Properties inherited from IWxContainer

  Property name Brief description
ChildShapes The ChildShapes property returns a collection of shapes that are direct children.

Properties inherited from IWxObject

  Property name Brief description


The Protection property prevents object properties from being changed.

Methods inherited from IWxObject

  Method name Brief description


The BeginUpdate method disables object rerendering.


The Delete method deletes an object.


The EndUpdate method enables object rerendering.

See also:

Andy Assembly Interfaces