To set up report title:
Open the Page Settings dialog box:
Select the main menu item:
Report > Print > Page Settings in regular reports
Data Entry/Output Form > Print > Page Settings in data entry forms.
Go to the Page Layout tab of the ribbon and click the button in the Page Settings group.
Go to the Print tab and select the Print Title checkbox.
Go to the Title tab:
NOTE. The title is displayed only on the first page of each report sheet, unlike headers and footers that are displayed on each page.
Title Patterns. In the drop-down list select one of the available title patterns or create a custom format.
Set Up Title. Click this button to set up title. A dialog box opens, with which the user can work in the same way as on creating a header or footer.
Title Height. Select title height in the edit box. Title height is set in millimeters.
After executing the operations the configured title is displayed on report print.
See also:
Setting Up Report for Printing | Using Table Sheet | Using Text Sheet | Working with Ready Reports