A1 Cell Style
Style, in which columns in links are indicated as letters and rows are indicated as digits. The $ character is used to indicate absolute links. Example: A1, B$2, $C$3.
Access Labels
Object access labels define the level of secrecy of the information stored in them. Subject access labels define categories of secrecy of the information to which they have access.
Access Protocol
Event log: time and date of the events, event type, object names, user names, and so on. Access protocol displays events in accordance with audit settings.
ActionScript is an object-oriented language. It is a dialect of ECMAScript, that adds interactive features, data handling, and other functions to the contents of Flash applications. ActionScript is executed by ActionScript Virtual Machine, that is a Flash Player component. ActionScript is compiled into byte code that is included into SWF file.
A calculation method when the value of n-th element of the modeled series is calculated at the following range of input series values: [First series element; n-th series element].
ADOMD Catalog
The repository object is used to access multidimensional data sources based either on Microsoft Analysis Services, or on SAP NetWeaver BW.
Artificial Neural Networks
Mathematical models and their software or hardware implementations inspired by the structure and/or functional aspects of biological neural networks.
Advanced Systems Format (formerly Advanced Streaming Format, Active Streaming Format) is Microsoft's proprietary digital audio/digital video container format, especially meant for streaming media. ASF is a part of Windows Media.
An object which includes one or more modules or forms containing executable application code and compiled as a single whole.
This file serves as an addressable entry point for Web services, created in controlled code. The type of response the user gets on addressing this file depends on the order of addressing this file in accordance with HTTP protocol.
Attribute Type
Custom data type which defined how the attributes are sorted based on their common characteristics.
Autocorrelation of k-th Order from the Time Series X
The measure of closeness and direction of linear stochastic dependency between the current time series values and time series values k moments ago.
A cube created using the top-to-bottom principle.
Express report mode which causes automatic update of server data each time the data set is changed.
Updating of Prognoz Platform 9 version on entering a repository.
A statistical method which uses previous values to predict future values.
User registration system.
The area which contains entered data.
This function allows to display minimum set of values which make up 80 % of the grand total of column values, the smallest values (20 %) are shown as a summed total within their parent.
The tool included in Foresight Analytics Platform, used to identify time series structure and to forecast it using mathematically statistical analysis methods.
Saves data on subjects' operations to access protocol.
Checking whether a user-specified password belongs to this user.
Average Value
Arithmetic mean calculated by summing up all values in a group and dividing this value by the number of group values.
Backup Copy of Metadata Repository
A backup copy of repository version may require to restore lost or modified data.
Method of time series smoothing (a modification of Hodrick-Prescott filter) which provides better opportunities for excluding cyclical component from a time series.
Tools used to convert, store, analyze, model, deliver, and trace data when working on tasks associated with making decisions based on actual data.
The full text data search by key words in the structure of multidimensional repository sources. In Foresight Analytics Platform BI-search is implemented basing on the Apache Solr search platform.
Calculate Report
Operations performed on a report which includes addressing database, updating data on report sheets, and calculating formulas.
Calculated Factors
Factors calculated in accordance with a user-defined function.
Calculated Cube
This cube allows to calculate the values of factors using the values of other cube factors and defined formulas.
Calculated Series
A series calculated using selected method based on the data of other series.
Calculated Dictionary
A dictionary, the data of which is populated in accordance with the custom algorithm implemented using internal programming language.
Calculated Cube Fact
A cube fact calculated in accordance with a user-defined function.
Calendar Dictionary
A dictionary which implements hierarchical view of a time scale with selected detailing. Foresight Analytics Platform calendar dictionary can perform drilldown by the following levels: years, 9 months, half-years, quarters, months, weeks and days. The calendar dictionary contents is generated automatically.
The intersection of a row and a column in a spreadsheet which has a unique address.
Method of seasonal decomposition and adjustment.
Setting cell size so that the cell contents is displayed in the best way.
Combining objects and observations into disjoint groups called clusters based on the value proximity of their attributes. As a result, each cluster has objects similar by their properties and different from the objects in other clusters. The more similar the objects are within one cluster and the more different they are from the objects in other clusters, the better the clustering is.
Collection of Sets of Composite Expressions
A collection of sets of compound expressions which belong to the same owner. Sets included into a collection are not interdependent.
Collection of Composite Expressions
A collection of compound expressions which belong to the same owner. Compound expressions included into a collection are not interdependent.
A drop-down list with an entry field.
Notes or annotations for an object.
Compiling is a process of testing code syntax which produces executable assembly file.
Component (development environment)
A control element performing certain functions which has both basic and specific properties.
Composite MDM Dictionary
An object of MDM repository which includes both its own elements and elements of other MDM repositories.
Composite Term
A syntax construction indicating data. A composite term consists of term name and a sequence containing one or several arguments which also represent terms. For example: X1 + X2 or Input_1[t] * Input_2[t].
A consumer object gets data from converter outputs and loads data to external sources or objects of the current repository.
Controlled Dimension
Values of controlled dimension parameters change dynamically when selection of controlling dimension changes.
Controlling Dimension
Values of controlling dimension attributes are used to control parameters of another dimension. Control expression is calculated and the result is passed as value of the controlled dimension parameter.
User name and password used to connect server.
A multidimensional object with cells containing data (facts) and axes (dictionaries) determining dimensions (characteristics) of factors stored in the cube.
Cube Facts
Internal cube dictionary which forms one of cube dimensions. If there is only one fact the dictionary is a degenerate (singular) one.
A set of aggregation options for a cube. Layouts are used to select aggregation in reports.
Cube Loader
A repository object which serves to populate a cube with data from another cube.
Cube View
A cube based on the data of another cube but having smaller dimensions.
Custom Metadata
Set of settings which determines parameters of custom objects that can be created and used in the repository.
Custom Method
A procedure or function which calculates or converts data in accordance with user-defined algorithm. User-defined (custom) calculation methods can be used in time series databases and modeling containers. Depending on the file in which the user method is applied, the signature of procedure or function may vary. To pass data series to procedure or function, use parameters of the ITimeSeries type. Modeling container supports using user methods implemented in templates. To make such a method work the template must contain an implementation of the method IMsUserTransformImplementation.Execute. For more information on signature of procedures and functions used as custom methods, please refer to the section: User Methods: Syntax of Procedures and Functions.
Control Expression
An expression based on attributes of controlling dimension used to calculate the value passed as value of controlled dimension parameter.
Configuration File
This file that stores information on the objects that should be executed by tasks scheduler, and information on the mail server if notifications should be sent.
Copying Data
This object is used to load large amount of data directly from a source to a receiver without using intermediary converters or receiver objects. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
Repository object containing main settings to connect the existing database created at DBMS server.
The tool included in Foresight Analytics Platform, used to generate analytical documents as combinations of interactive interrelated dashboards. Dashboards display data from various data sources by way of business graphics, images and controls.
Calculates data of an upper level based on lower level data.
Data Area
Report area displaying a data slice.
Checking whether the user can connect the database.
Data Binding
Associate attributes of a data source with attributes of a data receiver.
Data Mining
The process of detecting hidden facts and linkages in large datasets. The obtained data can be used to make decisions in various spheres of human activity.
Data Normalization
Estimate of time series or chart series norm. The term is used on data analysis in various Foresight Analytics Platform tools.
Rendering data to the same measurement units (zoom). The term is used on data import and export in the time series database.
Data Provider
This object is used to extract data from external providers to further transform these data.
Data warehouse (DW)
Organization data array, specifically structured, providing quick access to information, multidimensional data analysis, obtaining forecasts and various statistics in dimensions of conformed master data.
From the Latin word deduplicatio - removing duplicates. Deduplication is a specialized data array compression technique for eliminating duplicate copies of repeating data.
Data Range
A subset of data in time series database that is defined by setting selection for a dimension or calendar of the time series database.
Data Slice
Two-dimensional data table obtained by fixing one or some of the multidimensional cube dimensions.
Database system management.
DBMS Command
This repository object enables user to work with database objects using SQL queries. It is used to extract, refresh, delete and paste existing data. Create, replace, change and delete physical database objects.
DBMS Command: ETL
This object is used to export data using the repository object DBMS Command. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
Default Repository
A repository that opens by default on starting up Foresight Analytics Platform.
Development Environment
Integrated block of Foresight Analytics Platform containing all required data and tools for designing, creating, starting and testing user applications.
A linear list of elements which contains brief and accurate information on some objects.
Dictionary that is used in building multidimensional cube
Derived Password
Encrypted Password.
A method of access restriction. This method is based on using access control lists assigned to each system object. Access permissions are defined for each object.
Document Section
The documents are conventionally divided into sections. A section of a regular report is each separate sheet or text sheet. A section of an express report or of the workspace is the entire document.
Domain Authorization
This type of authorization requires user to explicitly specify domain, user name and password.
A characteristics available for each dictionary element.
This is the main structure element of a dictionary which represents a group of elements based on data obtained from the same data source.
Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent programming interface which enables programs and scripts access contents of HTML, XHTML and XML documents, and to change contents, structure and formatting of such documents.
Drop-Down List
A list that does not have any entry fields.
Drop-Down List
A list that does not have any entry fields.
ECMAScript is an embedded expandable scripting language that does not have input/output tools, and is commonly used as a basis to create other scripting languages. Language extensions, JavaScript, JScript, and ActionScript, are widely used in the Web.
Element Card
A set of values of selected dictionary element's attributes.
Element Group Primitive
A collection of dictionary elements formed based on some common characteristics.
External Table
A repository table which is created based on a table available on the server. The difference between external tables and standard tables lies in the following: when user deletes an external table, the physical database object referenced by the external table is not deleted.
End of Forecast
End point of a forecast series.
End of Retrospection
End point of a retrospective series.
Independent variables that are defined outside a model (system).
Express Report
Report created in the Analytical Queries (OLAP) tool.
Extended data warehouse repository
This repository serves to create and update a special data warehouse which is used by Java components at the system level.
Interdependent variables that are defined within a model (system). As a rule, each equation of a model determines a single endogenous variable in the left part of the equation.
Extract, Transform, Load is one of the basic processes in database usage and especially in data warehousing.
A repository object which serves to extract, convert and load data.
A set of characteristics values of which make a factor different from all other factors.
Field Separator
A character separating data fields.
Flat Data
Data shown as a spreadsheet (table).
Formula Area
A cell range on report sheet values of which are calculated following the same formula.
Functional Form Criterion (RESET)
A generalized test which checks specification of linear regression models for errors.
Input variables which affect the modeled (output) variable.
The BI-Search type using which search results are grouped by values of the specified field - faceted field. This type of search is implemented using macro on Fore/Fore.NET. Faceted field can present one category used for data grouping. Several faceted fields can be used for faceted search.
Collapsed dimension of a multidimensional cube.
Filtering Strategy
A collection of parameters based on which one forms queries to retrieve data when creating a cube.
Forecast Period
At this period one calculates total values taking unto account data of the sample period and using a selected calculation method.
Formatting Styles
A set of parameters which serves to create uniform object design.
Formula Actual Period
The period at which calculation is performed following the specified formula.
Formula Bar
The formula bar is a field at the top of regular report window which is used to enter or edit cell values and formulas.
Formulas Table
Table, containing multidimensional calculation formula on the DB server. Each formula is represented by the separate record in the table by putting operands in the required table fields. On calculate on the server the fields values are used by the executed procedure.
Free Attribute
Name of an unattached attribute.
An object which serves to create user application interface. A form is a container for any component available in the development environment. Each form has a corresponding module or unit containing description of form's class and its executable code. The code must be written in Fore or Fore.NET (.NET-module).
Function Approximation
For a functionf one finds a function g which somehow nears the function f and gives an approximate idea of it.
A licensing unit for separate blocks or functions of Foresight Analytics Platform.
The Global Assembly Cache or GAC is a machine-wide command cache presented by .NET Framework structure and used to store assemblies that need to be accessed by multiple applications on a workstation. More detailed information on Global Assembly Cache can be found in additional sources: Windows Help, MSDN.
The Graphics Device Interface is a Microsoft Windows interface responsible for representing graphical objects and transmitting them to output devices such as monitors and printers. GDI is responsible for tasks such as drawing lines and curves, rendering fonts and handling palettes. However, GDI lacks rasterization for 3D graphics.
With the introduction of Windows XP, GDI was deprecated in favor of its successor, the C++ based GDI+ subsystem, which is an advanced environment for 2D graphics. GDI+ adds line smoothing, floating point coordinates, gradient shading, intrinsic support for modern graphics-file formats like JPEG and PNG, support for 2D matrix transformation, and so on. GDI+ uses ARGB values to represent color. These features are used in Windows XP's user interface, and their presence in the basic graphics layer greatly simplifies implementations of vector-graphics systems such as Flash or SVG.
Global Variables
Variables which values are available in all platform objects within the current running Foresight Analytics Platform application.
Graphics Primitives
Geometric shapes: rectangle, ellipse, rounded rectangle, regular polygons, shaped arrows.
Group of Elements
A repository object used in dictionaries to limit the list of available elements.
Statistically unique 128 bit identifier.
The folder that cannot be read by the user who does not have read permissions. Such folder and its content is not displayed in repository. If the hidden folder contains objects which do not inherit access permissions from the parent folder, and the user can read these objects, then these objects can be accessed using Fore language.
Help System
A collection of files that enables the user to get maximally exact information about a required topic, using, work, setup, development in Foresight Analytics Platform. The local help system is supplied together with Foresight Analytics Platform. Online Help is the web version of the Help system.
Method of time series smoothing, which is used to determine long-term trends of a time series.
A unique sequence of Latin letters, digits and underscores providing a unique identification of the object among others. The identifier should start with letter or underscore.
In Foresight Analytics Platform identifiers are used for all repository objects and metadata structure elements: dimension and dictionaries attributes, indexes, selection schemes and others.
Performing operations by one user on behalf of another. It is used in Foresight Analytics Platform on working of BI services for user authorization by means of accounts in various social networks: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, LiveJournal.
This is an element of a time series database: a time data series described by a unique collection of attribute values.
Input Variable
Input variable, to which the model calculation method is applied.
Integrated Domain Authorization
Authorization which uses the same user name and password as the user specified to connect the domain.
This technology enables users to analyze code by showing certain types and type members that can be used in the current position of the code.
Calculates data of an lower level based on upper level data.
JavaScript Object Notation -is a text format of data interchange based on JavaScript and generally used with this language.
A collection of objects of the same type: rivers and reservoirs, roads, vegetation, regions, and so on.
Detailing of values displayed on a chart, map, or table.
This is a special file with activation codes for licensing units and information on available ways of using the product.
License Manager
This application gives access to the list of installed licenses and enables user to perform operations with these licenses.
Licensing Unit
The term is used to identify a tool or functionality of Foresight Analytics Platform that are used.
An ETL task object which sets correspondence between input fields of an object and output fields of another object.
Repository object used to log operation performed during execution of an ETL task.
Method of time series smoothing, which is used to determine long-term trends of a time series. It is a general case of the Hodrick-Prescott filter.
Code written in Fore or Fore.NET.
Mandatory Access Control Method
A method of access restriction. It is based on assigning access labels to system subjects and objects.
Mathematical Model
This is a mathematical representation of a real process which describes its crucial properties in terms of mathematical expressions: laws which it obeys, links between process components, and so on.
Map Factors
Pie, bar or cartographic, displaying values, connected with the territories.
Master data management (MDM) is a quasi-permanent component of corporate information which serves as a base to unify and normalize data related to business processes and to regulate activities of the Company.
MDM Dictionary
A collection of elements containing scientific, industrial or application information with the same theme.
A characteristics available for each element of MDM dictionaries.
MDM Dictionary Export Scheme
A set of parameters in accordance with which the data is loaded from an MDM dictionary to a table
MDM Dictionary Import Scheme
A set of parameters in accordance with which the data is loaded from a table to an MDM dictionary.
MDM Repository
A centralized storage of master data which ensures data consistency and consolidation, eliminates redundancies and optimizes data search.
Modeling Scenarios
An object used to create in a modeling variable a series to which the data should be loaded after completing calculation of the modeling problem.
Modeling Scenario
A collection of source data and assumptions used in modeling. An scenario is also used to create in a modeling variable a series to which the data should be loaded after completing calculation of the modeling problem.
This value of a varying characteristic represents the center of a series of characteristic's numerical values arranged in ascending or descending order.
A basic unit of measurement based on which various subunits are defined.
This model describes structure and hierarchical calculation order for other models.
Numeric value of a physical quantity, that is used as a standard for representing results of measuring.
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions is an Internet standard that describes transmitting various data types via e-mail, as well as a specification for coding information and formatting messages so that they could be sent via the Internet.
Modeling Container
A repository object used to form mathematical models of various processes (events) and to perform calculations based on these models
Modeling Problem
An object of modeling container which calculates model in accordance with the sequence defined in the metamodel. It is used to obtain calculation results and load them to the specified variables.
Maximum Likelihood Method
A method of estimating an unknown parameter.
This unique value is generated based on values of object attributes and serves for object identification.
Multidimensional Mode
In this workbook view mode the time series database opens as a cube.
Multiple Selection
Multiple elements can be selected in a list.
The most frequently occurring value of a varying characteristic in a variation series.
Modeled Variable
Variable, to which the data after modeling problem calculation is saved.
The process of creating, studying and applying models.
Foresight Analytics Platform tool which is used to analyze data, create models of various processes (for example, economic ones), and executing analytical calculations on their basis. The tool enables the user to build complex hierarchical multistep models for scenario multivariate calculations.
A model is a substitute object that under certain conditions can be used instead of an original object, as it reproduces properties and characteristics of the original and at the same time is more convenient and has a number of advantages (visualization, accessibility, comprehensibility, and so on).
An object which contains executable code written in Fore or Fore.NET (.NET-module).
Multi OLAP
OLAP, based on multiple data sources.
Multilingual MDM Dictionary
This type of MDM dictionary stores attribute values both for the current language and also for the languages in which you intend to use this dictionary.
A meaningful string of characters (describing object functionality or its contents).
Non-Visual Component
This component appears only at the stage of form designing.
Non-Recursive Dictionary
A dictionary with the number of levels fixed at its creation and independent on the data based on which the dictionary is created.
Non-Existing Factors
These factors are calculated as a difference between Cartesian product of attributes of all factors displayed in the time series database and the existing factors.
Normalization usually involves introducing additional information in order to solve an ill-posed problem. This information is usually of the form of a penalty for complexity. For example, restrictions for smoothness of the resultant function or bounds on the vector space norm. The least-squares method can be regarded as a simple form of normalization.
Object state when it is blocked from being edited by another user.
A set of characteristics available for each observation (point) of a factor.
Online analytical processing is a technology of data processing which includes designing and dynamic publishing of reports and documents. It is used to quickly process complicated database queries and compose business reports.
Object Linking and Embedding, Database s a set of interfaces implemented using the Component Object Model (COM), for accessing data from a variety of sources and data warehouses in a uniform manner.
Operation Log
A file to which the system records operations performed by tasks scheduler.
Operating system.
Output Variable
A variable which is used as an output variable.
Panel Data
Panel data contains observations on multiple phenomena observed over multiple time periods. For example, financial performance of several large unit investment trust over several months; sum of taxes paid by oil companies over the last years; semesterly GPA of students from several groups, and so on.
Password authorization
This type of authorization requires user to explicitly specify user name and password.
Password Policy
The rules which set requirements to user passwords.
A translucent image of selected area which follows mouse cursor when objects are dragged.
Eigenvector values.
Plain Term
An elementary syntax construction indicating data. String literals, integer values and characters can be used as plain terms. For example, X1 or Input_1[t].
An independently compiled module dynamically plugged into a main program to extend and/or use its functionality.
Pointwise Mode of Problem Calculation
In this calculation method problem models are calculated one after another for each scenario point: first all models are calculated for the first scenario point, then all models are calculated for the second scenario point, and so on. Forecast problems are used to calculate problems in pointwise mode: interface IMsForecastingProblem.
Unique dimension of multi OLAP data source.
Procedure (repository object)
A repository object which gives access to a procedure stored on the server.
Procedure: ETL
This object converts data using a user-defined macro implemented in the Fore or Fore.NET languages. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
Predefined Variables
Exogenous and lag (for the previous periods or moments in time) endogenous variables of the model (system).
Software that is required to install and work with Foresight Analytics Platform.
Operations that are or are not allowed to perform for a system user.
A repository object which represents a sample from tables (spreadsheets) made based on a selected condition. A query can be used as a data source by dimensions or cubes.
R1C1 Cell Style
Style, in which rows and columns are indicated as digits. To indicate the link, the reserved combination Rn1Cn2 is used, where n1 is the row number, n2 is the column number. To indicate relative links the row/column numbers are specified in square brackets and mean shifts relative to the current cell with formula. Example: R0C0, R1,C[-1], R[-2]C[-3].
This technology allows to install Foresight Analytics Platform without registering object classes and type libraries.
Refreshing Data
Automatic refresh of data source each time the data set in express report is changed.
Regular Polygons
Geometric shapes: triangle, quadrangle, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon.
Foresight Analytics Platform tool that is used to create, view and print regular reports with an arbitrary structure of displaying data.
Repository Connection
This repository object is used to get access to data of another repository.
Repository Manager
Tool used by the application system administrator to automate updating of Foresight Analytics Platform versions and repository or MDM repository versions of Foresight Analytics Platform.
Retrospection Start
Starting point of a retrospective series.
Revision Label
This label is created by a user and stores the state of factors data for the current moment.
Revisions store history of factors' data changes.
Regular Report
A collection of electronic spreadsheets and text sheets which may contain data areas, charts, maps, and other objects. It is created using the Reports tool.
Rich Internet application is an application accessible via the Internet that has many of the functionalities of desktop application software not supported directly in browsers.
This is a tool for working with commands arranged in logical groups and displayed on tabs; each tab is related to the type of performed operations.
Role Authentication
In this authentication type each user is associated with a certain role.
Sample Period
The period at which variable values are known. At this period one calculated the model series to further use it to calculate forecast and various factors.
A repository object which works with suspended tasks: cube or report calculation, execution of macros and so on.
Security Labels
The labels are used to determine flexible access to dictionary elements. Security labels form a security bit mask, in accordance with which certain actions with dimension elements will be allowed or prohibited.
Security Policy
A set of rules that determine methods and level of application system's protection and regulate access permissions for system objects. The security policy contains parameters that have global effect on the system protection level. Defining the protection level for certain objects is done via changing their access control lists and access labels.
Security Subsystem
A system of tools that protect from unauthorized access to Foresight Analytics Platform and Foresight Analytics Platform based applications.
System/Security Subjects
User and user group.
The name of the database to which connection is made.
Selection Schema
This repository object is used in dictionaries to automatically select elements in accordance with predefined rules.
Selection Schema Primitive
A rule following which elements are selected.
Styles Table
A collection of cell styles.
A set of characteristics available for each factor.
Series Mode
A mode of displaying a workbook when factors are shown as series.
Series Mode of Problem Calculation
The calculation mode when problem models are calculated one after another for all scenario points: first the first model is calculated for all scenario points, then the second model is calculated for all scenario points, and so on. Transformation problems are used to calculate problems in series mode: interface IMsTransformationProblem.
Server Aggregation
Aggregation configured for cube facts and performed on DBMS server. Server aggregation saves resources of user workstation due to performing resource-consuming operations directly on the server. Server aggregation is configured via Fore language. Use appropriate properties of the IStandardCubeFactBinding interface to configure aggregation.
Server Repository
A metadata scheme stored on database server.
An ordered list of values.
Smart Search
The BI-Search type by free dimensions of sources. Free dimension is a dimension used in search, but elements of this dimension are not included into search result names.
System Environment
Prognoz Platform 9 version control system is based on Microsoft Team Foundation Server.
System Requirements
Requirements for client workstations or server which must be performed for correct installation and work of Foresight Analytics Platform.
Set of Composite Expressions
A collection of interrelated compound expressions which belong to the same owner.
Set of Expressions
A collection of interrelated expressions which belong to the same owner.
Single Selection
Only one element can be selected in the list.
Slowly Changing Dimensions
There are two architectural concepts: normalized data warehouses and dimensional data warehouses. Normalized data warehouses store data in subject-oriented tables of the third normal form: data marts. Normalized data warehouses are easy to create and manage. The main disadvantages of normalized warehouses is large amount of excessive information and difficulties with integrating data from several tables.
Dimensional warehouses use star or snowflake schemes. The centre of a star consists of data (fact table) and the dimensions form arms of the star. Different fact tables may use dimension tables together which greatly simplifies combining data from multiple fact tables (for example, fact of selling and delivering goods). Data tables and corresponding dimensions form bus architecture. To log dimension changes, the dimensions are often created in third normal form (slowly changing dimensions). The key advantage of dimensional warehouses is that they are easy to understand for developers and users. Due to effective method of data storage and formalized dimensions, the retrieval of data from the data warehouse tends to operate easier and quicker, especially when complex analysis is performed. The main disadvantages of the dimensional approach are complicated procedures of data preparation and loading; and difficult controlling and changing data dimensions.
A tool for distributing software. Foresight Analytics Platform is distributed as EXE files.
An electronic matrix divided into rows and columns the intersection of which forms cells with unique names Cells are the main element of electronic spreadsheets that can be used to store entered data and referred to by cell names. The data include: numbers, dates, time of the day, text or character data, and formulas.
Standard Error
The estimation of deviation of predicted value for an individual value.
Standard Deviation
This measure shows how wide data points are spread around their mean.
Requirements for client workstations or server, which must be satisfied for correct installation and work of Foresight Analytics Platform.
Table Rotation
When a table is rotated, fixed dimensions remain in their previous place, and the dimensions located in rows and columns are swapped. The order of dimensions within a group does not change.
A repository object which gives access to physical table on the server.
Territory Labels
Text labels containing territory names and numbers as well as values of the factors related to territory.
Table Dictionary
A dictionary based on a data grid of a certain format, when each grid record forms a dictionary element.
Table MDM Dictionary
An MDM dictionary which uses a separate table to store data
Task Scheduler
Foresight Analytics Platform application enabling to schedule the execution of demanding tasks on the server side.
An expression of formal language which is a formal name of an object.
A collection of superimposed graphic information layers.
The tool included in Foresight Analytics Platform, used to identify time series structure and to forecast it using mathematically statistical analysis methods.
The Access Data Consumer
This object is used to export data to Microsoft Access (*.mdb) files. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Dbase Data Consumer
This object is used to export data to DBase III, DBase IV and DBase 5 (*.dbf) files. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Excel Data Consumer
This object is used to export data to Microsoft Excel (*.xls) files. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Identity Field
An autoincrement field, that is, a field that generates unique number for each table record. On adding a new record this field automatically shows a number which is always greater than the number generated for previous record.
The OleDB Data Consumer
This object is used to export data to databases using OLE DB. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Visual FoxPro Data Consumer
This object is used to export data to Visual FoxPro database. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The XML Data Consumer
This object is used to export data to XML file (*.xml). It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The User Consumer Data Consumer
This object is used to load data to a receiver using custom algorithm. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Repository Data Consumer
This object is used for loading data to objects of the current repository. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Text Data Consumer
This object is used to export data to a text file (*.txt). It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Problem object
This object calculates models of the selected metamodel one after another to obtain output data in resultant variables.
The Metamodel Object
This object unites models into a chain that should be calculated using a modeling problem.
The Model Object
This object forms mathematic description of an operator which converts observed input into its reaction. This object allows setting various calculation methods.
The Variable Object
This object is used to get source data and return results of executing the calculation algorithm.
The Transformation Object
This object converts data following user-defined formulas.
Text Delimiter
This character indicates data field beginning and end.
Time Lag
A factor that shows time lead or lag of a phenomenon as compared with another related factor.
Foresight Analytics Platform repository object used to manage and analyze statistical data stored as factors.
The Access Data Provider
This object is used to extract data from Microsoft Access (.mdb) files. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Dbase Data Provider
This object is used to extract data from DBase III, Dbase IV and DBase 5 (*.dbf) files. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Excel Data Provider
This object is used to extract data from Microsoft Excel (*.xls) files. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The ODBC Data Provider
This repository object grants access to various data sources that support working via ODBC drivers.
The OLE DB Data Provider
This object is used to extract database data using OLE DB. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Paradox Data Provider
This object is used to extract data from Paradox database. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Visual FoxPro Data Provider
This object is used to extract data from Visual FoxPro database. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The XML Data Provider
This object is used to extract data from XML files (*.xml). It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Web Page Data Source
This object is used to extract data from HTML files. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The User Source Data Provider
This object is used to extract data from a source using custom algorithm implemented in the Fore or Fore.NET language. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Repository Data Provider
This object is used for extracting data from objects of the current repository. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Text Data Provider
This object serves for extracting data from text files (*.txt). It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Custom Algorithm Converter
This object converts data using a user-defined algorithm implemented in the Fore or Fore.NET languages. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Union Converter
This object is used for data union. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Split Converter
This object splits data. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Integration Converter
This object is used for data fusion; specified conditions are checked before data fusion. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Sorting Converter
This object sorts data. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Deleting Duplicates Converter
This object deletes duplicates in data. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Filtering Converter
This object filters data in accordance with defined parameters. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Conversion Converter
This object converts incoming data and loads converted data to one or multiple receivers depending on the type of transformation. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
The Grouping Converter
This object groups data. It is available to use in ETL tasks.
Update Manager
A tool for synchronization of application system versions between developers and end users of Foresight Analytics Platform.
The total estimate of the ease of object's use. The international standard ISO 9241-11 defines usability as "The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use".
Usability testing is performed to determine how successfully people can use a certain human-made object (such as a web page, user interface or a device), that is, usability testing measures objects' usability.
A subject of system security who has certain permissions for working with system objects.
System security subjects grouped under the same name to provide uniform control over their access permissions.
Value at risk. It is commonly denoted as VaR. VaR is estimate of the value that will not be exceeded by the expected loss on the portfolio over the given time horizon (expressed in monetary units).
A data set used to get source data and load the results of executing calculation algorithm.
Version Control
These settings determine parameters of checking out the objects when they are edited.
Version Control System (VCS)
This system stores resource data, assemblies, forms, and modules (and their .NET analogues) and provides opportunities for multiple users to work with latest object versions. Foresight Analytics Platform version control system is based on Microsoft Team Foundation Server.
An MDM dictionary elements of which may change in time, that is the range of value validity is set for each element: start date and end date of validity period.
A repository object which represents a logical table data of which are obtained by extracting data from database tables using SQL queries.
Object for visual data view. For example, map, chart, table.
This component appears both at the design stage and during form execution.
Virtual Cube
A cube created based on data of other cubes. Cube facts dimension is generated based on selected elements of fixed dimensions. On viewing virtual cube data in an express report, the dimension panel shows non-fixed common dimensions of source cubes and the dimension of virtual cube facts.
Windows Presentation Foundation
WPF (code name - Avalon) is a graphical (presentation) subsystem included into .NET Framework (starting from 3.0), which is directly related to XAML.
Window Components
Components that can get focused, can contain other controls and appear in their own window. All visual components of development environment except the Label, Bevel and ImageBox are window components.
Components that cannot get focused, cannot contain other controls and work without their own window. The windowless components are Label, Bevel, and ImageBox.
Windows Service
A Windows service is an application that automatically runs at Windows startup without a user being logged into the system.
A wizard is an interactive helper that guides user through multi-step tasks. Effective wizards require less training and knowledge for task execution in comparison with other interfaces.
This is the main functional area of a time series database, that is used to work with time series data.
Working Area
A container containing objects of an ETL task.
eXtensible Application Markup Language is a declarative XML-based language created by Microsoft which is used to initialize structured values and objects.
eXtensible Markup Language. This markup language which is actually a set of general syntax rules is recommended by WorldWide Web Consortium.
Zero Distribution
A distribution corresponding to null hypothesis.