<fs:Geo> Element

The <fs:Geo> element is a child of the <fs:MetaInfo> element. It is used to specify information on binding to geographic coordinates.

The element that describes binding to geographic coordinates must be named <fs:GeoItem>. This element is a child element of <fs:Geo> and must contain the following attributes: Latitude, Longitude, X, Y and ShapeId (optional).

NOTE. To set coordinates, use the standard geographical coordinate system WGS84 based on Mercator projection.

The <fs:Geo> element is required for further conversion of map into Google Maps format. If this element is not specified, the map cannot be converted into Google Maps.

NOTE. Values of the Longitude and Latitude attributes affect matching of borders of overlaid maps when external map services are connected in the web application. If there are georeferencing problems, see the Solving Problems with Georeferencing on Connecting External Services article.



    <fs:GeoItem Longitude="22.1471203091967" Latitude="44.2498454806746" X="0" Y="0" />



Element Attributes

Attribute Description
Longitude Point longitude (degrees).
Latitude Point latitude (degrees).
X Point's horizontal coordinate on the map.
Y Point's vertical coordinate on the map.
ShapeId This is an optional attribute, which indicates that the described binding corresponds to a specific shape in the map, and not to the whole map.

IMPORTANT. Names of all attributes must start from an upper-case letter.

See also:

SVG Topobase Structure