This guide is relevant, if BI server is installed manually from *.tar.gz archive. If it is installed via a package, the Apache HTTP Server instance is created automatically, several various releases can be installed in parallel (for example, 9.0 and 9.1), but it is not available to install different builds of one release.
To start multiple versions or builds of the BI server, it is available to use possibility to set up several instances of the Apache HTTP Server (httpd). Starting instructions on other ports:
For Debian-based distribution files.
For RedHat-based distribution files.
Set up in Debian-based distribution files
To create copies of configuration files of a new instance, execute the following command:
sudo sh /usr/share/doc/apache2/examples/setup-instance xxx
NOTE. Enter any appropriate index instead of "xxx" that will be added to a copy.
Open the created file:
sudo gedit /etc/apache2-xxx/apache2.conf
Determine the necessary settings for other platform version by specifying a different address of the directory with executable files in the "#Foresight Analytics Platform" section.
Open the envvars file:
sudo gedit /etc/apache2-xxx/envvars
Enter a new address of the directory with executable files of other platform version at the end of the file.
Specify a new listen port and virtual host URL in the file /etc/apache2-xxx/ports.conf, for example:
NameVirtualHost *:81
Listen 81
Specify the same in the file /etc/apache2-xxx/sites-available/default:
<VirtualHost *:81>
Restart the new Apache instance:
sudo service apache2-xxx restart
Check BI server performance by the URL in the browser: http://localhost:80/axis2/services/. A page with the list of BI server operations should open (see the Checking BI Server Performance section).
Set up in RedHat-based distribution files
In configuration file change the directory where another version of Foresight Analytics Platform is located. To create a copy of configuration file for new instance of httpd, execute the commands:
sudo cp -pr /etc/httpd /etc/httpd2
sudo cp /etc/init.d/httpd /etc/init.d/httpd2
sudo cp /etc/sysconfig/httpd /etc/sysconfig/httpd2
NOTE. Specify other value instead of 2.
Open the /etc/sysconfig/httpd2 configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/httpd2
Change value of the OPTIONS parameter and uncomment it:
OPTIONS="-d /etc/httpd2"
Edit values of variables by specifying new directories, where another version of Foresight Analytics Platform is located:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/opt/Foresight/<another_version of Foresight Analytics Platform>/bin
export WSFCPP_HOME=/opt/Foresight/<another_version of Foresight Analytics Platform>/bin
export TNS_ADMIN=/opt/Foresight/<another_version of Foresight Analytics Platform>/bin
Open the /etc/init.d/httpd2 file for edit:
sudo nano /etc/init.d/httpd2
Specify a new name of the configuration file in the following blocks:
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/httpd2 ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/httpd2
Open the /etc/httpd2/conf/httpd.conf configuration file for edit:
sudo nano /etc/httpd2/conf/httpd.conf
Enter the following modifications (hereinafter any free port can be used instead of port 81):
ServerRoot "/etc/httpd2"
PidFile run/
Listen 81
ErrorLog logs/2error_log
Open the /usr/sbin/apachectl2 configuration file for edit:
sudo nano /usr/sbin/apachectl2
Enter the following modifications:
if [ -r /etc/sysconfig/httpd2 ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/httpd2
Add the httpd2 service to the list of system services by executing the command:
sudo chkconfig --add httpd2
Enable service on levels 2, 3, 4, 5 by executing the command:
sudo chkconfig --level 2345 httpd2 on
Restart the service:
sudo service httpd2 restart
Check loading of the page with the list of services and commands:
Check performance of the BI server running in httpd by the URL in the browser: http://localhost:80/axis2/services/. A page with the list of BI server operations should open (see the Checking BI Server Performance section).
To create copies of configuration files of a new instance, execute the following commands:
sudo cp -r /etc/opt/Foresight/httpd-fp9.2 /etc/opt/Foresight/httpd2.4-ppXX
sudo cp -r /etc/opt/Foresight/fp9.2-biserver /etc/opt/Foresight/ppXX-biserver
sudo cp -r /opt/Foresight/fp9.2-biserver /opt/Foresight/ppXX-biserver
sudo cp /etc/init.d/Foresight-httpd-fp9.2 /etc/init.d/Foresight-httpd-ppXX
mv fp9.2-biserver.conf fpXX-biserver.conf
NOTE. Enter any appropriate suffix instead of "XX" that will be added to a copy.
Open the file /etc/opt/Foresight/httpd-ppXX/extra/ppXX-biserver.conf:
sudo nano /etc/opt/Foresight/httpd-ppXX/extra/fp9.2-biserver.conf
Determine the necessary settings for other platform version by specifying other paths for Axis2RepoPath and Axis2LogFile.
Open the file ./etc/init.d/Foresight-httpd-fpXX:
sudo nano /etc/init.d/Foresight-httpd-fpXX
In this file specify a new path with executable files of other platform version for APACHE_BINDIR.
Open the file /etc/opt/Foresight/fpXX-biserver/envvars:
sudo nano /etc/opt/Foresight/fpXX-biserver/envvars
In this file specify a new path with executable files of other platform version for QT_PLUGIN_PATH=.
In the file /etc/opt/Foresight/httpd-fpXX/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf specify the new listened port and virtual host URL, for example:
NameVirtualHost *:81
Listen 81
Similarly, in the file /etc/opt/Foresight/httpd-fpXX/httpd.conf specify new listened port and virtual host URL:
Listen *:81
Listen 8081
Restart the new Apache instance:
sudo service Foresight-httpd-fpXX restart
Check BI server performance by the URL in the browser: http://localhost:81/axis2/services/. A page with the list of BI server operations should open (see the Checking BI Server Performance section).
See also: