System Requirements for Database Server

Below are the recommendations for the hardware and requirements for the software of the database server.

Hardware Requirements

Server selection strongly depends on a specific DBMS, the planned number of simultaneously working users, project features and results of application project load testing.

Based on results of typical project load testing, recommended server configurations have been created. The characteristics listed below are enough to provide stable work of a typical project. The servers used in load testing had Windows Server 2012 Standard and Oracle DBMS 11g.



Number of connected users 250
Processor 8 cores, clock frequency 2.90 GHz and higher
Platform 32-bit or 64-bit
RAM memory 10 Gb and more
HDD Size is determined by the database size

Requirements to Communication Channels

Communication channel requirements depend on the project features and planned number of simultaneously working users, and are determined according to the results of project load testing.

If 100 users work simultaneously with a standard project, the required width of database server channel is the following:

Ratio of channel width and number of users is linear.

Software Requirements



DBMS DBMS backend:

  • Oracle.

IMPORTANT. Working with Oracle 12.x is not supported if Oracle Multitenant technology option is enabled on installing back end.

  • Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Teradata.

  • PostgreSQL.

  • Postgres Pro.

NOTE. Foresight Analytics Platform also supports work with SQLite DBMS that does not have a back end. For details see the System Requirements for Client Environment section.
For details about supported DBMS versions see the Supported DBMS article.

Operating system To determine configurations of operating systems and processors (RISC systems) for a server, please refer to the DBMS documentation.

See also:

Preparing DBMS Back End | Installing Desktop Application of Foresight Analytics Platform