To install mobile platform server:
Download the archive from distribution files of mobile platform server.
NOTE. To get mobile platform server distribution files, contact technical support by sending a request to or technical support services that are available after registration at the website.
Place configuration files from the archive at the server:
.env - always required.
docker-compose.standalone.yml - to start selected instance.
Place platform images next to files for server installation.
Enter the server console using the account with appropriate permissions.
Import Docker images to the local repository by executing the command for each archive in the folder:
% docker load -i <archive_name>.tar
After successful import delete the archives.
Make sure that startup files are located in the current directory, and execute the command:
# For selected installation
% docker-compose -f docker-compose.standalone.yml up
After executing the operations the mobile platform server is installed. Open administrator console and activate license for working with mobile platform server.
See also:
Installing Relay Server | Updating Foresight Mobile Platform | Managing Mobile Platform | Activation and License Management