As the framework implements the IDisposable interface, it is recommended to use the "using" keyword for requests.
That is why, first of all, determine a static file containing the HyperHiveState object that encapsulates framework settings.
public static HyperHiveState State = new HyperHiveState("server address", "desktop", "environment", "project", "app", 10, 10);
Then send this object to the HyperHive class constructor on all calls.
using (var hive = new HyperHive(State))
var result = await hive.AuthApi.AuthAsync(userName, userPass, null);
Execute request to local database:
using (var hive = new HyperHive(State))
var result = await hive.DatabaseApi.ExecuteQueryForResourceAsync("Path to local database", query);
Create or open local encrypted database:
using (var hive = new HyperHive(State))
return hive.DatabaseApi.OpenDatabase(("Path to local database", key);
Enable and set logging level:
using (var hive = new HyperHive(State))
hive.LoggingApi.SetLogFileName("Path to logs database file", key);
See also:
UWP Framework | Initializing and Setting Up UWP Framework | Describing UWP Framework Methods | Calling UWP Framework Methods