

Intersecc(AttrProperty: String, Value1: Variant, Value2: Variant): Boolean;

Intersecc(AttrProperty: string, Value1: object, Value2: object): boolean;


AttrProperty. Attribute property specified to the right from the point in the attribute name. For example, for the SUBJECT.NAME attribute, the left part before the point specifies the group of the SUBJECT subjects attributes and the right part from the point specifies the NAME attribute property. Parameter is used to filter attributes in the collection by specified property.

Value1. The first compared argument.

Value2. The second compared argument.

Set as arguments:

For details see the Available attributes section.


The Intersecc method searches for common values of compared attributes by specified attribute value.


The method returns the value:

The method is used only in string view to set the expression to calculate additional condition to check access will be calculated, using the IExpression.AsString property.

To determine additional condition to check access, use the IABACRule.Condition property.

See also: