Transferring Objects Between Repositories and Their Update > Working with Ready Update > Features of Opening Update
On opening the ready update from file or repository, the following is possible:
Versions of existing objects do not correspond to actual ones. To update object versions, execute synchronization with repository in the opened update file.
Parameters of existing objects do not correspond to actual ones. To apply changes in object parameters, execute synchronization with repository in the opened update file.
For example, a table which update options contains object metadata is added to the update file. On opening the update file for this table update options are changed to Object Metadata and Data. Object data is not loaded without synchronization of update file with repository.
If structure of a new update is empty, update objects will be added to the Update panel of update manager.
If the update panel already contains some objects, the user needs to specify operations with existing objects in the Load Objects dialog box on opening an update:
Select the radio button next to the required action:
Clear Update and Load Objects. If the radio button is selected, all objects of the created update are deleted. Objects contained in the opened update are added to the Update panel.
Add Saved Objects to Current Update. Saved and duplicate objects are added to the Update panel to the already existing objects.
Supplement Current Update. Only saved objects are added to the Update panel to the already existing objects. Duplicate objects will not be added.
NOTE. On separating administrator roles and depending on the selected method of access control the update file can be opened only if it contains elements available for the user. If they are missing, the update file is not opened.
See also: