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Building Report for Printing > Building Report > Using Table Sheet > Data Visualization > Data Visualization as Tables > Relational Data Area > Setting Up Relational Data Area Parameters > Setting Up Totals

Setting Up Totals

To set up relational data area totals, go to the Totals tab of the Relational Data Area dialog box:

To set up totals, select a cell of a previously created template and execute one of the following operations:

NOTE. To set up totals, the area must contain at least one group.

After this the Total Parameters dialog box opens.

Parameters of Totals

Parameters of totals are set up in the Total Parameters dialog box:

Set up the following parameters of totals:


Show totals


Source binding



NOTE. The user can set up totals for several groups by the same source field without closing the Total Parameters dialog box. To do this, select the required groups one after another and define appropriate settings.

See also:

Setting Up Relational Data Area Parameters | Data Visualization as Tables | Relational Data Area | Example of Creating a Relational Area