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Building Report for Printing > Building Report > Using Table Sheet > Adding a New Sheet and Working with It > Working with Table Sheet Data > Using Formulas > Function Wizard > Text Functions

Text Functions

The list of predefined text functions is given in the table below:

Function Brief description
_T It determines whether the value can be converted to string type.
Concatenate It returns the result of merging two or more text strings into one.
Exact It returns whether two text strings are exactly the same.
Find It returns one text string within another and returns its position.
Fixed It returns the result of rounding a number to the specified number of decimals after the decimal separator.
Left It returns the specified number of characters from the start of a text string.
Len It returns string length.
Lower It returns the result of string characters conversion to lowercase.
Mid It returns a substring from a specified string based on starting position and length.
Replace Replaces part of a text string with a different text string.
Rept It returns a string repeated for the specified number of times.
Right It returns the specified number of characters from the end of a text string.
Trim It deletes spaces at the beginning and at the end of the specified string.
Upper It returns the result of string conversion to uppercase.
Value It returns the result of converting a text view of a number into numeric view.

See also:

Function Wizard