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Building Report for Printing > Building Report > Using Table Sheet > Data Visualization > Data Visualization as Charts > Setting Up Common Chart Legend

Setting Up Common Chart Legend

The Chart Legend object is used to create a chart legend as an independent object that is not linked to a specific chart. A legend can include data of several charts contained in the report.

To add a chart legend on the report sheet:

  1. Select the Common Chart Legend item in the Legend drop-down menu in the Charts group of the Insert ribbon tab.

The Legend Parameters dialog box opens that contains the tabs:

Setting Up Common Chart Legend Style

To keep uniform chart legend style, applied within the current report, use legend style:

Create a style

Apply style

Rename style

Delete style

To keep uniform common chart legend style in several regular reports, use styles table:

Set up external styles

Export to external styles

Disable external styles

See also:

Data Visualization as Charts