Data Connection and Preparation > Structuring Data Sets > Creating Dictionaries > Dictionary Creation Examples > The Territories Dictionary
The dictionary is created in the same way as the Socio-Economic Indicators dictionary, therefore below is given only a brief description of the procedure.
Basic properties:
Name: Territories.
Identifier: D_TO.
Dictionary structure. Block options:
Name: Block1.
Identifier: BLOCK1.
Block type: Recursive.
Determine the identifier attribute for the Block 1 Primary Index.
Block Bindings. Bind the fields of the Territories dictionary table to the dictionary attributes:
Bind the Code field (T_TO.ID) to the Identifier attribute.
Bind the Name field (T_TO.NAME) to the Name attribute.
Bind the FD Order field (T_TO.POR_FO) to the Order attribute.
Define the Recursions parameters in the same page:
Top level: T_TO.FO_ID = 0.
Link by index: Primary index of the Block1 block.
Code: T_TO.FO_ID.
To set up filter, use expression editor and create the following filter: (T_TO.ID < 100) or (T_TO.ID > 1200).
Levels. Use this page to create the following levels:
To add levels use the Add button. Clicking this button opens a dialog box where you can define the level name.
Then go to the Final Step page and click the Finish button to finish creating the dictionary.
To view the created dictionary, double-click it:
See also: