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Data Connection and Preparation > Connecting to External Databases > Connecting to Relational Databases > Database Properties > Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

To set up advanced database connection parameters:

  1. Click the Advanced Settings button on the Database Properties page. After executing the operation the Advanced Settings dialog box opens:

NOTE. The number of available parameters depends on the DBMS client type.

  1. Set the parameters:

IMPORTANT. The parameter is set once on the primary setup of database connection. If the parameter is changed again, it may result in data loss.

The Kerberos service is used together with GSS API. GSS API enables the use of various Kerberos implementations without modifying application code. Specify Kerberos server name determined in PostgreSQL server settings in the Kerberos Service box. For details about API Kerberos, visit the official website.

NOTE. Tags are case-sensitive.

Format examples

Class PrepareDB: Object
    Public Shared Sub OnDBConnecting(Connection: ISecurityConnection);
        //Preparing connection
    End Sub OnDBConnecting;
End Class PrepareDB;

The procedure is executed right after connection and before of any other queries. The created connection is available in the procedure input parameter. Any advanced connection settings can be determined in this procedure.

  1. Click the OK button.

After executing the operations, advanced connection settings to database are determined.

See also:

Database Properties Page