Data Connection and Preparation > Structuring Data Sets > Creating Multidimensional Data Structures > Cube > Working with Cubes > Multidimensional Calculation on DB Server > Editing Multidimensional Calculation Formulas
To edit multidimensional calculation formulas on DB server, select the Edit Formulas item in the context menu of multidimensional calculation in the object navigator. The formula editor opens:
The dialog box of multidimensional calculation formula editor at database server includes several areas, fields, and lists:
Destination dimensions/Source dimensions
IMPORTANT. Before creating a formula make sure that source cube contains data. If multidimensional calculation formula does not depend on the source data, and the source cube does not contain data, calculation is not executed. To execute calculation, the table must contain at least one row.
To create a multidimensional calculation formula, execute the following operations:
In the Destination Dimensions box select a dimension (coordinate) of the destination cube, which requires setting a calculation formula.
In the Period box specify formula actual period for the selected destination cube coordinate.
NOTE. Formula actual period can be set if time-dependent formulas are enabled for multidimensional calculation.
Work with formula actual periods
Create an expression for the selected destination cube coordinate in the Expression box by means of source cube and available functions.
Add a source cube coordinate to expression
Check if the created formula is correct. To do this, click the Check button. If there are any errors in the expression, an appropriate message appears.
Save created formulas.
Run multidimensional calculation.
The following operations are available in the formula editor window:
Search for a dimension element
Set up summation of formula element values
Show formula element in the source
Select formula element in the source
See also:
Multidimensional Calculation on DB Server | Examples of Element Summation