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Data Connection and Preparation > Structuring Data Sets > Creating Multidimensional Data Structures > Cube > Calculated Cube > Managing Formulas

Managing Formulas

Use the Manage Formulas page to specify the dimension attribute that controls the formula's actual period.

The dimension, which attribute controls the formula's actual period, is selected in the Dimension drop-down list, which includes all available dimensions.

The controlling attribute is selected in the Attribute drop-down list.

To cache formulas on creating a cube, select the Cache Formulas when Calculating checkbox. This speeds up further cube recalculation.

To calculate formulas by physical data, select the Calculate Formulas by Physical Data checkbox. This enables the user to calculate formulas not by the entire selection, but by physical data, that speeds up calculation.
When this checkbox is selected, take into account the following restriction: if a formula uses the expression, which value is shifted several points backward or forward, the values are calculated in the selection, for which the matrix contains data for selection, from which the data is shifted. That is, the value is not calculated if:

See also:

Calculated Cube Creation Wizard | Calculated Cube Formula Editor