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Reference > Setting Up Multilingual Options > Translating Attribute Names Into Other Languages

Translating Attribute Names Into Other Languages

Translating attribute names of time series database into other languages is one of the steps in multilingual time series database creation.

NOTE. It is available to translate time series database attribute names only in the desktop application. The specified translation in the desktop application is displayed in workbook of the web application, if corresponding repository language for current user is used.

To translate attribute names into other languages:

  1. Open the Parameters dialog box using the Tools > Parameters main menu item in the object navigator.

  2. Go to the Default Settings tab and make sure that default language is set for repository. If the language is not set, set it.

NOTE. The repository language is selected by default once and cannot be changed after.

  1. Save changes and close the Parameters dialog box.

  1. Open time series database creation wizard and go to the Attributes page.

  1. Select the Translation checkbox. The Translation additional tab will be displayed. The tab contains a list of attributes in the repository language and in other language used for translation:

  1. Add a new translation language using the Managing Languages button. The Managing Languages dialog box opens:

The Selected Languages list contains languages that are currently used for attribute name translation. The Availalbe Languages list contains languages into which attribute names can be translated. To add a translation language, move it from the Available Languages to the Selected Languages list and to remove the language - from the Selected Languages to the Available languages list.

To move elements between lists use:

  1. On the Translation tab double-click the attribute name in the translation column and set the attribute name translation.

After executing the operations, the translation of attribute names of time series databases in the selected repository language for current user will be displayed in workbook.

See also:

Setting Up Multilingual Options | Setting Up Attributes