Reference > Creating Formulas and Expressions > Inserting Functions and Operators > Functions Available in Expression Editor > Transformations > SpliceP
SpliceP(Input: ITimeSeries,
SpliceSeries: ITimeSeries,
ComparatorBaseSeries: ITimeSeries,
ComparatorSpliceSeries: ITimeSeries,
Direction: MsSpliceDirection)
Input. Input variable
SpliceSeries. Spliced variable
ComparatorBaseSeries. Basic variable for comparison block
ComparatorSpliceSeries. Spliced variable for the comparison block
Direction. Splice direction. Optional parameter. By default the parameter is set to MsSpliceDirection.Both - both.
It transforms variable basing on spliced variables: SpliceSeries / ComparatorSpliceSeries * ComparatorBaseSeries.
SpliceP executes the percent splice.
Formula | Result | Application |
= SpliceP({Japan|TX},{Japan|TM}, {Japan|NX}, {Japan|NM}, MsSpliceDirection.Both)
Suppose that the Japan|TX factor contains the data from January of 1960 to July of 2005, and Japan|NX and Japan|NM - from February of 1940 to December of 2006. SpliceP calculates the relation of the Japan|NX and Japan|NM factors from February 1940 to December 1959 and from August 2005 to December 2006. Then it applies this ratio to the Japan|TX factor, using Japan|TM as denominator. |
It can be used in formulas of calculated series of time series database and model formulas of modeling container that is a child of the time series database. |
=SpliceP(X1,X2,X3,X4, MsSpliceDirection.Forward) | Suppose that the X1 factor contains the data from January to 1960 to July 2005, and X3 and X4 - from February 2003 to December 2006. SpliceP calculates the relation of the X3 and X4 factors from February 2003 to December 2006. Then it applies this ratio and calculates value of the X1 factor using X2 as a denominator. |
It can be used in model formulas of modeling container. |
See also:
Functions Available in Expression Editor │ Transformations │ IModelling.SpliceP