Reference > Setting Up Object Formatting > Working with Formatting Dialog Box > Text Block
The tab is used to change parameters of object text.
Set the following parameters of labels in objects on the tab:
In the Alignment group in the drop-down lists select horizontal and vertical alignment for a text relative to object borders.
In the value editors of the Paddings group set size of text paddings from object borders.
Relative to image
In the Relative to Image drop-down list specify position of text relative to object images.
Frame size adjustment method
In the Frame Size Adjustment Method drop-down list select a method of frame size adjustment to text size:
None. Frame is not resized.
By Height. Frame is resized to fit the height of text and image in the object.
By Width. Frame is resized to fit the width of text and image in the object.
Wrap text
In the Wrap Text drop-down list specify text wrap method: by words or do not wrap words to the next line.
NOTE. Text in the Chinese language is wrapped by hieroglyphs.
The Sample area shows a label text formatted in accordance with currently selected parameters.
See also:
Working with Formatting Dialog Box