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Reference > Creating Formulas and Expressions > Inserting Functions and Operators > Functions Available in Expression Editor > Logical Functions > Iif



Iif(Condition: Variant,
    TruePart: Variant,
    FalsePart: Variant)


Condition. Condition to be calculated

TruePart. It is returned if the Condition value is set to True.

FalsePart. It is returned if the Condition value is set to False.


It provides conditional formatting of statements.


The Iif method is equivalent to the three-place operator ?: dialog box opens.

Difference of the Iif method from the three-place ? operator:


Formula Result Application
= Iif(Min({Brazil|BCA},{Peru|BCA})>0, True, False)


Because minimum value of corresponding observations of the Brazil|BCA and Peru|BCA series is greater than 0.

It can be used in formulas of calculated series of time series database and in formulas of attribute-based models of modeling container.
= Iif(Min(X1)>0, True, False)


Because minimum value of the X1 factor points is less than 0.

It can be used in model variable-based formulas of modeling container.

See also:

Functions Available in Expression Editor │ Logical FunctionsIModelling.Iif