Reference > Working in Object Navigator > Viewing and Editing Object Properties > Object Type
The tab shows the following object properties:
The object name for the current repository language. On changing the name, the corresponding name on the Names tab is changed (if this tab is displayed).
Identifier. Unique object identifier.
Reference. The link to the SharePoint discussion that appears after the object publication. After publishing the object to SharePoint it is available to delete the link, to do this, delete the string with the link to the portal on the Object Type tab.
Key. A unique numeric value that identifies a repository object.
Object Type. The type of the selected object (this box is disabled for edit).
Date Modified. Date and time of the last object modification.
Current Version. The repository identifier determined in the security manager in the This Repository Identifier box, and number of the version that increases by one when the object is changed.
Comment. Object description. The box is optional. Text entered here is displayed in the Comment column.
See also: