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Advanced Analytics > Calculation and Model Designer > Modeling and Forecasting > Modeling in the Web Application > Working in Web Application > Working with Variables > Calculating Descriptive Statistics of Variables > Johansen Test

Johansen Test

The Johansen test enables the user to reveal existence of stationary linear combinations of time series, being integrated of the first order, and it is one of the system estimation methods, using the maximum likelihood method relating to vector autoregression models. It is a part of the group of cointegration tests.

To execute the test

Test parameters:

Operations with endogenous and exogenous variables

The test is executed simultaneously for all selected variables. To find cointegration relations, the maximum likelihood relation values are compared with the N percent (= 1%, 5%, 10%) significance level. If the maximum likelihood relation value is greater than the significance level, the hypothesis about cointegration relations existence is rejected.

For example:

See also:

Viewing Descriptive Statistics of Variable | Library of Methods and Models: Johansen Test