Ui > Ui Assembly Interfaces > IUiCommandActionCustomize > IUiCommandActionCustomize.Find
Find(Name: String): IUiCommandAction;
Name - name of the action, which parameters are to be set up.
Select one of the following reserved names as a parameter value:
Common actions:
Open - opens an object.
Save - saves changes to the object.
SaveAs - saves all changes to a new repository object.
OpenFile - opens object from file.
SaveFile - saves object to a file.
Export - exports object to supported formats.
Print - prints object.
PrintPreview - object preview before printing.
EditData - edits object data.
SaveData - saves changed data.
Specific actions:
Report.Modules - regular report units.
Report.Map - inserts a new map into regular report.
Report.Mapselection - changes the current regular report map.
Express.Datasources - changes list of express report data sources.
Express.Map - shows express report map.
Express.Mapselection - changes the current express report map.
If required, the prefix of the objects, to which the settings are applied, can be determined for the common actions:
Report - regular reports (for example, Report.SaveAs).
Express - express reports (for example, Express.Export).
The Find method searches an action by its name and returns action parameter if the search is successful.
Action names are case-insensitive. If an action is not found, the method returns Null.
See also: